•• Chapter 53 ••

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Ryan POV

Before I could control myself, I sneered at the man, "Really? From what I saw, you were hidden behind a tree like a scared human."

He put more pressure on his sword, but I shifted my weight, so I could kick the man's side. To be able to dodge my attack, he used his wings to boost his speed and stepped back.

"Don't compare me to them," he spat as soon as he landed on both his feet.

"Why? You should like them since you took my mate's wings off," I lifted my sword up as I waited for him to attack.

"Keith's only need to look beautiful. His wings weren't needed and were in the way, so I took them away. Everything was going as I planned, I even gave him the pills, but then you... You happened!" he shouted the last part as he ran toward me.

Our swords met between us with a loud metallic sound as it clashed together. I made sure to never let the man leave my sight. Then we parted with our sword still in front of us. We turned around in circle, waiting for the best opportunity to attack. At that moment, it wasn't only the man I loathed to kill and myself. I couldn't hear the cries of pain, of rage or the pleading to be spared anymore.

My whole focus was on that man and that man only.

"I can see the hate in your eyes. Was it because I tried to snatch Keith away?"

"Snatch?" I spat before using my wings to push myself into the air and then let myself spike down on the Prince, "You nearly killed him!" I roared as I swung my sword aiming at his head, but he managed to block it in time before his legs crumbled down on my weight.

My sword was inches away from his neck, but fuck, he was stronger than I thought. I used more of my weight and used my wings to give me some more strength to end the man's pathetic life. I could hear him groan and huff as he difficulty tried to push me away. His eyes started to show the fear he was feeling. It felt so damn good that I wanted to hear him beg before I take his life!

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my ribs and I had to pull away from the man. I instinctively put my hand on my bleeding wound and felt an arrow that was painfully deep inside me. I swore under my breath and broke the arrow without pulling it out, so I could still move without too much pain. It hurt like hell, but it wasn't enough to make me stop what I intended to do since I laid my eyes on the Prince.

I looked up to see who just hit me and saw an archer wearing a proud smirk on his face. I glared at the man before rapidly fetching for one of my daggers hidden under my leather armour and threw it at the man. I watched his smirk fell as he realized what just happened to him before falling on the ground dead.

Something moved at the corner of my eyes, and I moved just in time, so I only received a cut on my left arm. The prince didn't wait for me to recover and instantly attacked again. I lifted my sword to block his attack but winced at the pain in my arm and ribs.

"Not so mighty are we now?" he said with a dark smile, "Victory is mine, now. So, is Keith little ass."

I only saw red. How dare he lay a hand on what was mine. I changed my mind, I will not kill him yet. No, I won't be so merciful. I had other plans for him and I bet Keith would love it too.

"You'll regret ever saying that," I forced the words through my clenched teeth.

The Prince sneered, "I will like to see you try."

As the fight extended, it was clear that we were both starting to lose patience. The man evaded my sword like a fucking slime. He was trying to wear me out since my wounds were wearing me down. But he was injured too. He was limping on his right leg and his right wing was weirdly distorted.

I had to finish soon, or I will lose.

I took a deep breath and whistled loudly. My men did the same and I could see the look of confusion on the enemy's eyes.

"If you're calling for reinforcement don't bother. I have this place completely surrounded," threatened the Prince.

"Then I suggest you call your men back."

"If you think we are sca-" the man stopped mid-sentence when we all hear multiple deafening roars. "Dragons..." he mumbled before he turned to face his men that were ready to flee. "If any of you desert, you will all be labeled as traitors and face death!"

The look on their faces gave me the confidence that it may work. So I waited until Ennur landed behind me. "Do you want to be killed?" I shouted as a deadly silence surrounded the entire battlefield. "Will you let your commander sacrifice yourself when the chances of winning are nearly impossible?" I paused, "I wouldn't. Because even if we are in war, my priority is to protect my people. Even if it means to retreat and lose a battle. That is why I will give you a chance. Fight with me and I assure you that your life will be spared!"


I continued without minding the Prince who continued to shout his orders over my words. "I know it is difficult to believe, but my mate was from your Kingdom. His family, his friend are already living in my Kingdom. There will be no discrimination because of the difference of our wings. Don't you have family, friend or loved one that lost their wings because of him?" I pointed at the Prince. "I can give back their wings," I stated even if I wasn't sure if it was completely true. Murmurs started to reach my ears and the words that reached my ears gave me the confirmation I needed. "Who's with me?"

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