•• Chapter 55 ••

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Keith POV

I run my way toward the broadcast alarm that Ryan built in case a situation like that happened. Once outside of the house I jumped up and my wings extended and flapped a few times before I was high in the sky. I flinched at the throbbing pain in my arm, but I ignored it and I flew as fast as I could. In only a few minutes, I landed in front of the mast. I pulled at a string which activated a system and a strident sound was heard. The citizen had been informed that if they ever heard this alarm, they have to assemble here as fast as possible. As expected, some people ran here and other flew.

Once I didn't see anyone else arrived, I took a deep breath and talked as loud as I could, "There is an emergency. The enemy's army is coming this way! Please do not panic and follow my lead!" I quickly added before fear overtook them. "We need as many fighting men and women we can and for those unable to, no matter the reason, please come here!" I instructed as the crowd separated into two groups. When I saw that the group of people unable to fight was the double of those who could fight, I started to worry about the chance of success.

"What do we do now?" shouted one of them making me snap out of my fear.

"I will lead those who can't fight to the safehouse and for those who can..." my voice died when I had no idea what they had to do. As the seconds become minutes, the citizen started to panic.

"You don't know?" shouted one of them making me look at the crowd nervously.

"I-I... Please don't panic! Everything will be fine... So..."

"If you don't know what to do, how it could be fine???"


"Everyone calms down!" shouted a loud voice making me look up. For a second, I thought Ryan came back from the front lines, but when he came closer, I recognized Zack. He was wearing an armour similar to Ryan's. "I see that you already divided them into groups," he said to me.

"Yes, I was planning to take them to the safehouse," I explained as he nodded.

"Please do so and don't worry, everything will be fine. And... Please look over my wife and Lilly."

"I promise that everyone will be safe."

"Good, go and be careful!"

I nodded and then whistled for Lena which came within seconds since she wasn't far away. Then I turned to the group, "Follow me and stay as quiet as possible. We don't want to alert the enemy."

"Are we going to fly our way there?" asked an old woman who looked like she couldn't handle any long distance flight or walk.

"No, we are going to walk. If the enemy sees a large group flying, they will surely attack. But, for those unable to walk the long distance separating us from the safehouse, please, go on Lena's back. She will carry you there."

I helped the elders and the injured on Lena's back before starting our way to the safehouse. I told everyone to stay as quiet as possible. Since we were a large group, I requested that some of the teenagers to help me keep an eye out for strange sounds or white wings.

My arm was healed, but it still stung and throbbed when I made harsh movements. I took my bow and an arrow that was hooked on my gear and held it tight. They took me by surprise last time and it nearly cost me my life. I won't make the same error and let an innocent family live through all the pain and worry.

I seriously couldn't believe the Prince! He was low enough to threaten the citizens. It was already frustrating enough that we weren't fighting in his territory, but to go as far as to attack innocent citizens? It really made my blood boil.

"Keith!" someone half-shouted and half-whispered my name making me look behind me. One of the teenagers pointed up in the sky.

I nodded and told them to hurry up and hide in the trees or some bushes. As for Lena, it was harder, but she still managed. She was a smart dragon. As for me, I was hidden by the tree leaves and carefully counted ten white winged men flew pass us. Fortunately, we were already quite far from the city and they were flying way too fast to actually pay attention to us. We had been lucky so far.

When I was certain that no more Aquilam soldiers will fly pass here, I signed to the hidden citizen to come out.

"Is everyone here?" I asked as everyone nodded. "Good, the safehouse isn't too far away now. Once we reach it, no soldiers can harm us. Let's hurry!"

We rapidly, but silently walked toward our goal and about twenty minutes later, we could finally see it. The citizens seemed to forget about the dangers and ran to it. My eyes widened and told them to stop. Fortunately for me, they did but didn't understand why I stopped them.

"It may be a safe house, but we saw enemies going to this direction. They may have seen it and occupying it. So, please hide yourselves as I go check it out."

They nodded and went to do as I say. I took a deep breath and used my wings to push me up on the rooftop. Like the drawings in the plan, there was an entry on the rooftop that was concealed the entry. I carefully pushed the leaves aside and slowly opened the door. I only lifted it, so I could peek inside.

I couldn't hear anything, but it didn't seem like it was occupied by someone. I took the risk to enter the safehouse. I use my wings to soften my landing and made no sound when my feet touched the ground. There was only one level and it was obviously unoccupied.

I sighed in relief and walked out by the front door and shouted, "Come on out! We are safe now!"

Children and adults ran into the house and I smiled knowing that we were really safe now. I just hoped Ryan, Sebastian and Zack will come back safely.

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