•• Chapter 3 ••

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"Since Keith Vanburen hasn't been the one committing the crime, he won't receive the ultimate punishment which is death. However, since he has agreed to take all the responsibility until the real culprit is caught, his punishment will be..." I took a deep breath as the Prince seemed to hesitate before continuing, "His wings, our pride, freedom and status. That'll be all," finished the Prince.

My wings... My beautiful wings... I wouldn't be able to fly again or do acrobatics in the air. I started to cry now unable to keep my tears in anymore.

"My Prince, may I ask for a favour?" said Angela angrily.

"I'm listening."

"May my brother keep his wings for the rest of the day? You must know how much he loves them. He also isn't the real perpetrator. Therefore, please show some mercy and let him enjoy this day?" my sister requested as it made me cry harder.

"Request accepted. However, tomorrow at dawn, Keith Vanburen punishment will be held," he turned his back to us, returning to his father's side.

Members of the Elite escorted us outside of the house, and one of them would be following me around until tomorrow morning in case I tried to escape or anything. Finally, back home, I received a slap on my cheek without any warning. Confused and shocked I looked at the person that hit me.

"Mom, why?" my voice trembled in shock.

"You silly! Why did you do something so stupid?!" my mom shouted angrily for the first time. "We could have figured out something together! Now, look at what will happen to you! As soon as you lose your wings, you will be considered no more than scum!" this time, it was my mom's turn to cry, and my sister went to her side to try to calm her down.

"I'm sorry... But, I didn't want anything to happen to you too! At least, Angela has a good future in the clan and as for you, mom... I couldn't even bear the thought of something happening to you!" I exclaimed as the feelings I tried so hard to hide inside of myself revealing itself. I didn't know how to feel anymore. I was so angry, sad and somehow relieved all at the same time. "And Angela... Thank you for what you did."

"Keith... To be honest, I didn't expect you to take the punishment since I knew how much you loved your wings. Unfortunately, that was the only thing I could do, but remember, with or without wings, you'll always be my daydreaming and cute little brother. Mother and I always had and will always love you," Angela confessed her feelings, which was really rare. So, I did my best to smile at her before exchanging a hug.

"We will talk about this tonight, go enjoy your day..." said my mother with a sad smile.

I nodded and ran outside and as soon as I could I jumped into the air before extending my wings and sore through the sky. This feeling of freedom, this breathtaking view, this speed... Today was the last day that I could ever do that again. My state will only change if someone ever finds my father. For the first time, I felt something else than joy while flying in the pure blue sky.

I decided to visit my best friend, Sebastian. I supposed that the King's being attacked and my punishment were still a secret. I looked at the window of his room and saw him there, laying on his bed. I gently knocked at it trying to get his attention. He looked up, got on his feet and opened the window.

"Hey, you want to do a race with me?" I asked while pointing at the path we usually took when racing.

"Now? Why so suddenly?" he asked confusedly.

"I just feel like it, so you're up?" I challenged him as my friend smiled.

"Yeah, let's go," he agreed as I nodded when I let him some space to jump down from his window.

I first started to fly toward the forest. I didn't fly as fast as I could. I took my time enjoying every single moment of it. I did a flip here and there. At some moment I went faster and at other time slower. At some point, I forgot that I was flying with my best friend! I laughed as Sebastian started to do acrobatics too. When we arrived at my refuge, the biggest tree in the forest, I gently landed on my branch. I looked around, it'll be the last time I would be coming here. Even if I knew how to climb the trees, I wouldn't be able to reach where I actually was. I sighed and looked far away.

For now, I tried to push my father... No, the traitor's stupid action in the back of my mind. I tried to enjoy this moment. If only I could stop the time, so tomorrow would never come.

"You're acting weird today. What's wrong?" asked Sebastian out of blue with a frown.

"Nothing... I guess I'm not thrilled with the chores waiting for me at your house," I lied hoping he wouldn't see through me. "And... How am I weird?"

"Your face, you never made this pained expression here and you act as if you..." he stopped.

"I?" I tried to encourage him to continue.

"Nah, nothing. I guess I'm starting to see things," he waved his hand side to side. "Let's go back, it's starting to get late," he looked at the setting sun.

"Can we stay a little longer?" I begged not wanting to go yet.

Fortunately, he nodded, and we contemplated the view in a comfortable silence. My mind was going everywhere. Like what if Sebastian would stop being my friend tomorrow? What if my mom and Angela lied? Would I survive without wings? Would my mate still want me after tomorrow? Would I live the rest of my life alone with no one to talk to?

At the time we went back, everyone had already finished eating. So, I proposed to go to my house, and we would scavenge something out. He agreed without hesitation and even threatened to put me on his shoulder because of how slow I was flying.

We ate and talked about anything. I laughed and smiled as usual, but inside of me, I was still hoping that he wouldn't change because I would be a hybrid without wings, a human... Only criminals lose their wings.

I said goodbye and hugged my best friend since he may not be my friend tomorrow because I saw how he... How everyone acted toward humans. I will be different tomorrow, I'll become a low life, a nobody and even if I died nobody would care.

Back home, my mom and Angela were both here waiting for me. They had this sadness and pity in their eyes and that made me felt horrible. I didn't want them to pity me. So I looked away and directly went to my room, without saying anything to them. Why couldn't they act normally and stop looking at me like that? I was trying to forget about tomorrow!

I took a cold shower and went outside by my window. I flew on the rooftop and sat there all night long because... Tomorrow would be the beginning of the end of my life in HELL.

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