•• Chapter 27 ••

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When I opened my eyes, I saw nothing else but white. The room I was sleeping in was white. There were no furniture except for the bed I was laying on and a white chair. Where was I? Why everything was white? I tried to get up, but an electrifying wave of pain made me whimper. At least I wasn't dead if I felt pain... Right?

When I started to move or attempt to, someone entered the room. I looked up and for a moment I thought it was my mate. However, when I looked in more closely, there were some differences.

When he noticed that I was awake he gave me a warm smile. It was confusing, they were so similar. "I'm glad to see you're finally awake! Ryan will be ecstatic."

"Ummmm... Where am I?" I first asked as I looked around when I was still laying on the bed. "And... Who are you?"

"Nice to meet you officially Keith Vanburen. I'm Zack Manson, Ryan twin brother." he greeted as walked toward me with a folder between his arm and rib. "And you're in a hospital. Do you remember why?" Zack asked as he sat on the chair.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled back wide eyed. I didn't know Ryan had a brother! "And... N-no I actually d-don't remember after falling off the bed..."

"I see..." he noted something on the papers before looking back at me. "Do you want to wait for Ryan or you prefer I explain to you why you're here first?"

"I-I think I will w-wait." I answered shakily fearing the worst.

Before Zack could answer, the door slammed open showing my erratic mate. I was quite surprised since I never saw him act like that. He rapidly walked toward me before he gently hugged me and so did his wings... Or tried to in the position I was currently in. 

"Ryan..." I greeted happy to see him.

"I'm here Love..."

Someone coughed. "Okay, sorry to interrupt you, but I need to talk to both of you first. Then you two are free to go wild, but Ryan, safety come first. He's not completely healed, so that means no rough sex or..."

"Tell us what you actually need to Zack." interrupted my mate as I flushed red when I heard what my mate's brother was saying.

"Fine, but first I have to ask you some questions, Keith. Try to answer them to the best of your capabilities and don't lie okay?" he asked as I nodded. "First, did you take any sort of medication after they took your wings?"

"Yes, the Prince gave me some pills. He said it would help me pass through the pain at the end of the month, but I had to sleep directly after I took it because..." I stopped before I blushed even redder if that was possible.

"Because?" they both asked while looking at me.

"Because..." I hid my face between my hands. "I would get horny..." I mumbled.

"Good, do you have some left?"

"N-no... I took it all since I thought it would help me bear the pain that I was feeling recently."

"Did it help?"


"It's okay Keith. When was the last time you took them?"

"Two or three days before this incident." I answered as Zack furiously wrote everything I said on the papers.

"Okay, so after the tests, we found nothing abnormal about your wings. They are safely backed up in your back, the drink they gave you was quite something. I would like to have a sample and analyze it." he started to ramble off the subject. "But where I found some abnormalities was some kind of parasite in your back. I never saw something like that and you'll have to come back, so we can monitor it and try to find you a cure."

"S-so is it d-dangerous f-for my l-l-life?"

"No, but if we let it like that, no matter what potion you will take after, your wings will never come back." he answered and I suddenly felt sick.

Never have my wings back... Oh God... What would Ryan think about it? What if he was hoping to see them too? To be able to fly with him, not in his arms, but next to him... I started to cry, when my dream  may never come true.

"But." Zack interjected making me look at him expectantly. "We think that if we can make your wings come out before it takes too much damage, we can cure you. Since this internal problem would become external. The only thing we are waiting for is the potion that would be able to do that. The scientists are already working on it, but if we could get a sample, everything would become a lot easier."

"B-but I don't know what it is... The Prince was supposed to give it to me after I found father, but..." I didn't finish my sentence when more tears started to fall.

Ryan was now laying next to me with his arms around my waist and wings wrapping my body. He was saying sweet nothing into my ears, trying to calm me down.

"That will be enough for today. You two can go home and rest, I'll come at your house tomorrow. But for now, take this when you feel pain, I can't guaranty to that it'll work, but at least it'll slow down the parasite." he explained as he but a small bag on the chair he was sitting on earlier. He walked toward the door and opened it, but stopped. "Oh and Ryan? No sex, he's not well enough and make sure he eat plenty." he warned before stepping out and close the door.

"I know that already you dumbass..." I heard my mate muttering. "Ready to go home? Your mom has been waiting since this morning. In fact, they all insisted on coming here, but I thought you wanted to wait before explaining what your... It was about." Ryan corrected himself.

"Yeah, thanks." I slowly turned around in his hold and kissed the corner of his mouth trying to reassure him and mostly myself. "I want to see them and do you think they brought some fish?" I asked as he gently stood up with me in his arms.

"I told them to bring some, so you can eat, but they decided to bring enough fish to feed both Kingdom." he complained as he walked out of the building. I laughed softly and pushed my head in his chest, inhaling his smell. "I guess we will have to eat that for the couple weeks that follow." he admitted defeated.

"Let's invite my family and Sebastian for dinner the following days, so they can help us eat." I suggested.

"That's a good idea, let's invite Helena and his mate and Rose too. You will help me cook right?"

"If the fish cooks itself." I murmured in his chest. "Last time I cooked, if it wasn't for mom, I would have burned the house. Do you still want my help?"

"I'll teach you, you'll see it's not so hard."

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