•• Chapter 52 ••

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Ryan POV

It had been a few days since I left the comfort of my home and my healing mate to come to the front lines. Our camp was in the forest. Knowing our surroundings was a serious advantage. Since the enemy couldn't risk adventuring into the forest, they stayed in the open grounds, just at the border of my Kingdom. With the scouts, we now knew their formation, how many knights and archers and where the commander tent was.

After listening to the scout's reports, I knew that their commander had no real experience. I, myself, hadn't participated in any wars, but there were some fights between our Kingdoms even if we tried to keep the "peaceful" appearance. Contrary to the Prince, I was present at those fights to learn the tactics of strategy, fighting experiences, etc. Everything that I couldn't gain by the books or by my father words, I compensated it by doing my generals job.

I was grateful that Zack was there during my training. Even if he knew he wasn't going to be King, he stayed by my side supporting me. If it wasn't for him, I don't know if I would have succeeded that kind of training. I was barely a teenager at that time...

That was why, I left my mate into my brother's capable hands, not because we were related by blood. It was because I trusted him and knew what rushed decisions my mate may do, Zack will be able to think reasonably.

"Sire!" shouted someone making me look away from the maps. "The enemy's army has started to move!" explained the scout as he panted.

"Assemble our men in front of my tent and call my general! Everyone has to be ready for battle ten!"I shouted my orders to him as I went to put my armour on.

The scout left and I hurried to revise the plans my generals and I planned in my head. When I finished equipping myself, I walked out and saw that most of my warriors were already here.

I called one of the messengers, "Go report to Lord Sebastian that the war is starting and if needed, to send reinforcements."

"Yes, Sire."

As soon as he appeared, he flew away with a powerful hit of his wings. Messengers were chosen by a few criteria, he had to be faster than anyone else. So, I was confident that he would make it back in only a day and a half or so.

When everyone was assembled, I looked at them for a minute. Then a started the speech I prepared for them.

"Warriors! The time has come to fight. The Aquilam Kingdom declared war on us when their army trespassed into our lands and tried to kidnap my mate. I wanted you to know that I am grateful and proud to fight beside you. I really hope that everyone can come back home alive, but we are not living in a fairy tale. Know that if one of you fall, it wouldn't have been for anything. You protected your Kingdom, your family, your friends..." I paused an instant, "I'll forever be in your debt. That is why let us show them the power and the superiority of the Ignis Kingdom!"

I raised my arm in the air and everyone followed me with a roar or a shout. Then, they divided into smaller groups. Everyone already knew what they had to do. Of course, I had a small army for myself too. Everyone was both trained to wield a sword and a bow then they could choose which one they liked better.

Soon, we departed and went into position. We patiently waited and as expected, we heard the clashing sound of swords, the cries of people getting injured and the smell of blood. I couldn't see what was happening, so I had to believe in my men. I had to convince myself that the cries belonged to the enemy's men and not mine.

Patience and faith.

I couldn't rush into the fight. It would only turn into a massacre. I had to believe in my men as Keith was believing in me to return safely into his waiting arms.

Everything was for my people and my mate. Becoming King only meant to make sacrifices. It was never about me.

"Sire, enemies are coming this way," whispered one of my men to my ear as I looked at the spot his finger pointed.

As expected, they were fleeing the battle. Strategy was everything. Attacking at all sides would only make the enemy's army confused and if the man leading the others wasn't good enough. He would be crushed. I smiled, everything was going as planned.

"At my signal, we will ambush them," I signed to my men and they nodded as we hid in the bushes, behind the trees, on the trees, etc.

They came here running. I almost laughed out loud when I saw the Prince. He was still in his pristine and unscratched golden armour. He was so stupid. Wearing something so luxurious would be like making a bonfire at night.

I made eye contact with my men and they all took their bows and aimed. I waited a little more, so they were a little closer and then I gave them the signal. Twenty of the men protecting the Prince fell like dead leaves. ThenI let myself fall down the branch I was perched on with my sword already in hand. My first hit was a man's throat.

I rapidly moved aside, dodging a woman's sword. We fought each other and I had to say, she was talented, but in the end, I pierced her armour as he fell lifeless on the ground.

When I looked up from her body, I saw the Prince. He was hidden behind a tree and had only attacked when my men were fighting someone else. I slowly made my way to him as I killed my enemies. Now I knew why it was so easy to make them move as I wanted them. They had no commander.

When I was in his line of view, I could saw the fear disappearing from his eyes, only to be replaced by anger and hatred. He unsheathed his sword and used his wings to boost him toward me.

Our swords clashed, "RYAN!" he roared, "I'll fucking kill you!"

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