Chapter 13 Where Are You?

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"Are you sure you don't know where they went?" Isabelle asked her for about the hundredth time. They were in Clary's room after she had called them. Now, Clary was awake, she leaned on her hands before she answered.

"I have an idea, but like I said there's no way to get there." She had told Isabelle this, but she was insistent on somewhere they could get to.

"The apartment. The one that only they can open, right? Alec finished. At least someone was listening, Clary thought.

"There has to be someway to get in from the outside." Isabelle wondered. She leaned against the wall, and let out sigh. She raked a hand down her long black hair.

"There is." Clary said dully. "Jonathon's ring, but we'll never get that off him."

"Is he that powerful?" Alec questioned. He sat down on the bed.

"Yeah. Imagine Jace, only evil." Clary said. She picked at a loose string in her tank top. "He was trained by Valentine his entire life. He is one of the best Shadowhunters there is, unfortunately."

"How do you know all this?" Alec asked, looking suspicious. She glanced down, and told them a recap of Jace and Clary's nighttime walk.

"So, you remember everything?" Isabelle questioned, looking intrigued.

"No. Whatever Jonathon has planned is all on his own. Valentine seems to want the same as he did back then. He wants to purify the world. No Downworlders or any Nephilim that aren't loyal to him." Clary explained. She rubbed her temples, feeling slightly sick.

"This will rage war." Alec remarked, his voice sullen.

"Damn. Are we going to tell the Clave?" Isabelle asked. She placed a hand on her forehead, and looked up to the ceiling. "What will they say? Or what will they do?"

"We should tell-" Alec started, and looked taken back when Clary cut him off.

"No. They will make us stay out of it. We need to do this on our own." Clary looked down at her wrist. A thin red line circled them, she got out Jace's stele and drew an iratze.

"How did you?" Isabelle looked at her wide eyed. She stood up straighter, and Clary saw a flash of emotion pass through her eyes. Suspicion.

"Iz-" Clary started, but Isabelle had her whip out. The stele was caught in its tail, and wrenched out of her grip.

"This is Jace's!" She yelled. "Why do you have this?"

"Iz, calm down. It's just his stele-" Alec tried to restrain her, but Izzy broke free.

"No, Alec. This is the one he grew up with. The one his father gave to him! He wouldn't let anyone use it, especially not her!" Each of Izzy's words felt like a slap to Clary. She flinched as Izzy gestured to her.

"He dropped it." Clary whispered. She thought no one would hear her, but Izzy listened intently. Her face softened a fraction.

"Why?" She asked, maintaining her composure.

"He was fighting Jonathon. He protected me." Clary went on, sensing a crack in Izzy's anger. "Jonathon came. He came for me. Jace said he wouldn't let him have me."

"Why?" Alec questioned. He looked at Clary with disbelief in his eyes. Izzy managed a small smile, before she answered.

"She broke through his walls."

Clary asked over and over what that meant, but Izzy wouldn't tell her. She sighed in frustration, as they traveled towards the library. The witchlight brightened as they walked by, illuminating the halls with a ominous glow.

"Alec, will you tell me?" Clary decided her best chance was to guilt him. They stopped outside the grand oak doors that led to the library.

"Clary, I wont tell you." He told her stubbornly. She glared at him.

"Who's going to tell me? I'd ask Jace, but he's not here! And-"

"Don't try and guilt Alec." Isabelle rolled her eyes. "He's tougher then he seems."

"Thanks, sis." Alec said, sarcastically.

"Your welcome." She gave him a light punch in the shoulder, before she opened the doors. Alec looked hardly annoyed, while Clary fumed.

"This isn't a time to joke." Clary complained. Izzy merely laughed, and Alec tried to cover up his laugh with a cough but Clary saw through it.

"You don't think Hodge is awake, do you?" Izzy asked. She glanced around the library, her hair whipped around her.

"No, he went to bed a while ago." Alec informed her. She nodded slightly, but still took caution.

"What are we looking for?" Clary questioned, slightly confused.

"We are looking for, ah here it is." Izzy took a old leather book of the desk, and opened the book. She pulled back the old pages, until she found what she was looking for. She held up the book so they could read the title.

"The Uprising?" Alec read aloud. He took the book from her hands and set it upon the table. The three of them crowded around it.

"Here! It is said that along with various hiding spots, a field in Italy was used for training. There were a total of thirteen cabins spread across the plain. Valentine was said to have taken refuge there, during the Uprising." Isabelle exclaimed, proudly.

"So, you think we can find Jace there?" Alec asked doubtfully.

"No, Izzy means that we can find information there to help is find Jace!" Clary clarified. Izzy looked at her with satisfaction flashing through her eyes. It was good to know she was back on Izzy's God side, again.

"So, we're going to Italy?" Alec guessed. Izzy's grin widened on her face, and Clary smiled tightly.

"Oh, great." Alec groaned, as he answered his own question. "When are we leaving."

Isabelle glanced at the clock set high on the wall, which read 4:35 in the morning. "How about now?"

Hey!!! Sorry this is a short chapter. Its more of a filler, because everything fun happens in the next chapter. I will update as soon as possible.

What would you think if I changed the name of the story? I was thinking that Cassie has each of her series start with the same word. Soooooo I thought I might do the same.

What do you think of HIDDEN SOLDIER????  I was thinking that would go nicely with the story line. With Clary going missing, and all. Alright, Comment and Vote. Love you all!!!


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