Chapter 9 Careful Now

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Sitting in a luxurious apartment would have been great. Except Clary knew the tone in Jace's voice that told her that she shouldn't be pleased.

"Why is she here, Jace?" Savannah asked him, clearly curious. Clary didn't like the look on her face. Mischievous, frightening, and fascinated.

"Well..." Jace began. "There's a block in her mind. She was kidnapped by... Valentine Morgenstern."

"Don't ever say that name in our presence, Jace Wayland! You may be charming enough to get us to help her, but not enough to ever utter that name again. You know what he did to us!" Savannah yelled. Her voice piercing the air.

"Your right. I do. Why would you be reluctant ot help her?" Jace agreed.

"We never said that." Leah stated, confused by his question.

"No, but you were thinking it." Jace retorted. He was clearly unhappy with their response.

"Listen. We'll help her if you go outside. We don't need your sadistic comments." Leah compromised. Jace looked at Clary and she gave him a small nod, before he left.

"What happened to your shirt? Did you have a fight before you came here?" Savannah gestured to her shirt. Her clean silk green top was drenched in blood. She frowned as she looked back up to Savannah and Leah. Both wore tight black shirts, that seemed leather like, and black pants. A belt hung at their slim waist. Clary suddenly felt self consense about her outfit. Her jeans seemed a little worn, but her top was disgusting.

"Savannah, remember why she's here, vampire bite and all?" Leah reminded her friend. Savannah looked mildly embarrassed about the moment.

"Vampire bite?!" Clary momentarily confused, until she remembered Simon. Simon bit her, not only that but tried to kill her. "Simon. Why would he do that?"

"We'll find out. We met Simon when he tried to save you. Stubborn, and barely knowing the real world around him, but he would do anything to find you and bring you home. Valentine got to him first, though." Leah spat Valentine's name with enough hatred, Clary thought she fall over. "Simon was close to finding you, so Valentine sent out a vampire to turn him. He took Simon, and who knows what he did to him. We don't know what happened after that, so we cant tell you why he did that. Becoming a vampire shouldn't change him that much."

"He said it was because of me he was a vampire. Doesn't that seem like enough reason to want me dead? I mean because of me he is dead." Clary wondered aloud. She couldn't believe that Simon would ever hurt her, even if he was furious at her.

"Maybe. Simon doesn't seem like he would hold a grudge against you, though. Listen, Simon will be fine, we'll help him. Now, we need to get you a new outfit what your wearing is...well...disgusting." Leah told her. She grabbed Clary's arm and dragged her off into one of the bedroom. Clary was too stunned to actually react. Leah sat her on the bed and went hunting for clothes in her closet.

"You should be my size, but what would you wear? Shadowhunter clothes, or mundane. I'll pack a bag for you so you'll have clothes for later." She decided, and went to making up a bag for her.

"Is that what your wearing?" Clary asked, genuinely curious.

"Huh? Oh this? Shadowhunter clothing. Yeah, we're not real Shadowhunters, but we get into demon fights and the clothing attire is perfect for demon fighting." Leah explained to her in a gentle voice. Clary nodded understanding. "Sorry, but we'll match. It may be perfect, but there's not much difference in each outfit. You'll have a special one though."

"So its a uniform type thing?"

Leah thought about this for a moment. "Well. Yes, if I remember right."

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