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My heart raced the whole way back to the house. I kept glancing over and back at Cole and Tyler, but they were both so calm that it made me more nervous. I was nervously pushing the home button on my phone every few seconds cause my face to light up in flashes.

Once we made it back to the house, I started pacing; overly nervous after the silent and tense car ride. When Braedon finally came in he tried to grab me but I shouldered my way out of his grasp and kept pacing. he sat down with a worried look on his face.

"Bunny relax." His soothing tome calmed my frayed nerves slightly and I stopped pacing and instead stood behind the couch.

"I don't think I will ever relax again." I slipped him a little grin to let him know I was teasing. Except. I didn't really think I was teasing. I couldn't be calm about Brady anymore. He was already acting so possessive of me and I had only seen him a handful of times now that I could remember. I rubbed my wrist where he had grabbed me in the parking unconsciously, remembering how scared I was. Jax sat down heavily in front of me and reached back over his head to pull my hand down to his face. I hadn't even realized he had come in but thoroughly enjoying the attention my arm was getting. He had twined our fingers together waffle style and was fluttering light kisses on the inside of wrist along my pulse point. I looked around at the other guys in the room, afraid that I was doing something wrong. None of them were really watching me. Braedon was discussing something with Tyler, his worry crease still on his forehead. I really need to do something about that. Cole was sitting by himself furiously typing on his phone. I felt my nerves come back full force when I noticed who was missing.

"Where is Flash?" All of the boys stopped talking and looked over at me.

"Where is Flash!?" My voice rose in pitch and I sounded slightly hysterical even to myself.

"Calm down baby." Cole stood up and moved towards me. My whole body was tense and I was squeezing Jax's hand in mine. Cole moved up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and across my stomach. He had his phone in one hand and opened it to show me what he had been typing. Hunter had told him that he was staying with Matt to make sure that Brady wasn't going to start anything.

"I got you," He whispered in my ear. I shivered as the tension left my body.

"Better?" Braedon's voice drifted to me and I straightened from where I was leaning into Cole and moved to sit down. I tucked my legs under me and pulled out my own phone.

"During pong, I heard some stuff." The boys looked at me with expectant faces as I scrolled through my phone trying to find the video I had recorded. I finally found it and passed my phone to Tyler. He watched it and silently passed it to Braedon. No one said anything as they passed my phone between them. The tension was thick when Hunter walked in the room and Jax finished watching. Hunter grabbed the phone and started watching for himself.

"This is great fiore. But..." Tyler trailed off and I got nervous again. he sighed and continued, "It's not enough by itself to do anything with."

"What do you mean?" I was wringing my hands in my lap to try and stop myself from pacing again.

"Really, this is a good video. And they are talking about coke. But no one explicitly  says it and they don't use names. However, if we can pair this video with the footage and photos we can get from the pool, we'll be golden."

"Then why do you guys still look upset and nervous?"

"We don't know IF we can get anything good from the pool. And we would need photos of some of the guys in your video." Tyler now had a crease between his eyes to match Braedon's.

"So what do we do now?"

"All we can do now is wait."

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