Morning Breath

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When I got out of the bath, I noticed the pale yellow sleep nightie I had bought with Tyler during our trip hanging from the towel bar. My face flushed at the thought that he wanted to see me in it. I had kissed a few of the guys, but just thought that they were heat of the moment kisses, not that any of them might be interested in me.

I slipped on the dress, which felt luxurious sliding down my hips, and poked my head out of the bathroom to check if the door was still closed. I tiptoed over to the bed, not sure why I felt the need to be so quiet, and slipped under Tyler's duvet. I was feeling very relaxed and thought I might sneak in a nap before Tyler came up for bed.

* * * *

I woke up with one side of my face warmer than the other. I flexed my fingers which caused my pillow to stir slightly. Wait, that's not a pillow. I lifted my head up slightly to see an expanse of slightly browned skin under my face and arm. Then I registered a constant weight spanned across my waist, and noticed another, thicker arm, resting below mine on the chest I was laying on.

I turned my head up to find out who I was sprawled across and was met with a blond mess. I smiled to myself at the state of Hunter's hair, noticing he held his same innocent demeanor even while asleep. I shifted again and felt a puff of air flow across the shoulder blade I was laying on. I suppressed my giggles at the two heavy sleepers I was squished between.

I reached down and lifted the arm that trapped me slightly to try and wiggle my way out of bed. I found the task made more difficult due the tangled state of three pairs of legs. I wasn't sure whose leg was over mine or whose mine was under. Eventually I managed my escape and silently slid off the end of the bed. I looked back in time to find Tyler scooting closer to Hunter and filling the space I had just vacated.

I crept across the room, guided only by the faint light from the window by the bed. I snuck one last look at the sleeping boys before creeping down the hallway and the stairs to the kitchen.The entire house was quiet for once and I found myself alone in the kitchen. I thought about making breakfast for the guys when I realized I didn't know who was home or where anything was. I started looking around the cabinets while my mind raced. What was I doing here? My hands stilled on the counter and I leaned forward onto them. Each of the guys were amazing in their own way.

Cole showed me that even though a guy may look rugged and standoffish on the outside, he could be sensitive and caring. He also found the humor in the small things and made me smile with a just a look. Jaxson was your typical bad boy that could flirt with the best to of them. I had a constant flush on my face when I was around him and I didn't really want it to go away. Breadon was my overprotective bear and always made me feel safe. Tyler was the fearless leader of the group; never letting anything or anyone bring him down. He always knew the right things to say and could already inspire confidence in me. Hunter was always there, just someone for me to lean on.

My head spun a little as I realized that I was developing feelings for all these guys. But what was I going to do? I had already kissed two of them and wanted to kiss the others. The lingering attraction between us was always there in the background. I couldn't imagine having to choose one of them and never be able to see the others again. I turned and pressed my back against the counter to wrap my arms around my middle. I could feel the panic creeping up neck, seizing my throat, and making it hard to breath. I hadn't had a panic attack since I moved out of my parents house this summer. I had developed my own coping techniques, but all of them flew out the window the minute I packed my bags. I clutched at my chest, the tears starting streams down my face.

I couldn't stop imagining the guys never speaking to each other. The rooms upstairs empty with cobwebs in the corners. I kept picturing seeing the guys in the commons and them looking away with hurt in their eyes and walking away from me. I slid to the floor, my arms crossed over my chest and my face soaked with tears. My breath was coming out in ragged breaths and I cursed myself for letting it get this bad in only a few days. The door opening didn't shake me of the attack and neither did Braedon calling out.

He found me curled in my ball on the kitchen floor a few seconds later and rushed to my side.

"Bunny! What happened? What's going on?" He scooped me up into his arms and wrapped them firmly around me. through my ragged breaths his musky smell washed over my senses. My breath slowed enough to suck in another lung full of him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his chest as he squeezed the calm back into me. I tempered my breathing and the tears slowed on my face. I shifted to straddle his lap as my breathing fully returned to normal. I felt a shiver run through his body as my nose and mouth brushed against his neck.

"Bunny, are you ready to tell me what's wrong?" He had a edge to his voice like he was holding himself back or was in pain. I shook my head, not wanting to share my fears with him. He would leave if he found out I had feelings for all of them.

"Bunny. You will tell me. Right now." His tone was demanding and something in me wanted to obey him when he talked like this.

"I kissed Cole and Jax." I managed to squeak out in reply. He rubbed circles on my back soothingly.

"Is that it?" My head popped up in response to his reply to my confession.

"What do you mean that's it? I kissed both of them and I want to kiss you!" I cast my eyes down so I didn't have to look at the disgust on his face. Suddenly my world was shaking as his body rocked with laughter.

"Oh sweetie." He placed a kiss on my forehead and stood with me still in his arms. He placed me on my feet and grabbed my hand.

"Let's go wash your face." He tugged me towards the stairs. I was extremely confused. Why isn't he running away screaming? I thought with my confession he wouldn't want anything to do with me like most guys. He kept pulling me upstairs and all the way into his room

Braedon's room was nothing like I expected. Actually, I wasn't sure what I expected. His walls were a light grey, which actually suited him. There was only three pieces of furniture in the room; a huge bed in the middle of the room, a dresser with a mirror on top to the left of the door and a dark grey, overstuffed armchair in the corner between a window and another door. There were two doors on the same wall, most likely a bathroom and a closet. The room was spotless, nothing out of place and you could bounce a quarter off the bed.

He pulled me to the door closest to the window and dragged me inside. He took a washcloth out from underneath the sink and ran the hot tap on the sink. Once the water was to his liking he soaked the cloth and rung it out. He brought the cloth up to my face and wiped my tears away gently. I closed my eyes at his soft touch and suddenly there was pressure on my lips. My eyes popped open to find Braedon kissing me.

A/N: *Sigh* Finally! I finished it! *cheers* This wasn't supposed to be next, but the guys weren't cooperating and it was their turn. I have a general idea of what is supposed to happen and some of the major plot points, but bear with me between here and there.

Keep voting and commenting! I really appreciate all the support and feedback :)

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