The Round Table IV

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A/N: This actually goes between Bubbles and Morning Breath. I just wrote out of order :) Rated PG- 13 for explicit language that has been *bleeped*

**Jax's POV**

She had kissed me. She was so timid all the time that I figured I would have to make the first move. Every time I flirted with her she got this gorgeous blush on her face and across her chest. I really wanted to see how far I could make that blush spread.

Sitting at the island in the kitchen I ran my fingers across my lips lost in thought. I grew angry all over again at the thought of that f*ck face Brady hurting her. If he so much as touched her again I would end him. It didn't matter that Braedon was usually the hot headed one, she was turning me into a protective asshole. I laid my head down on the counter trying to cool my face off and gather my composure at the same time. I had band practice later and if I looked upset, they wouldn't leave me alone. I felt a hand grasp my shoulder and looked up to find Tyler standing behind me. 

"What's on your mind?" His face was pretty blank but he looked genuinely interested in what I was going to say.

"Tasha kissed me." I groaned out the words, placing my head back on the counter. "It was the best moment of my life this far. And jesus I cried in front of her. I saw her wrist and just lost it. You know I have that thing where extreme emotions make my eyes water." I was rambling at this point, nervous as to what he was going to say to me. Suddenly he burst out laughing and I gave him the stink eye from my place on the counter top.

"Dude. So has Cole. The kissing part, not the crying part." I lifted my head and stared at him incredulously.


"Yeah man. He told me about last night. Said that he took her to the football field and that they tossed a ball around. I guess it just progressed and they were kissing." He shrugged his shoulders and moved to get a mug out of the cabinet. I was still processing the information he had just dumped on me. The image of Tasha and Cole rolling around on the turf imprinted in my head. I let out the breath I had been holding in a big huff.

"Come on. You didn't expect this to happen? She's gorgeous, funny, caring, she fits all of us perfectly." He just looked at me, challenging me with his eyes to contradict him. My shoulders sagged.

"You're right, of course. She is perfect. F*ck. This is why the rule exists huh?"

"Yeah man. Fighting over her would tear us apart and ruin the organization."

"So i'm guessing you like her too? How do you think your guys feel about that?" His eyes widened and his cheeks turned a light pink color.

"I have no idea what your taking about." he had poured himself a cup of coffee and was looking down into his cup. He took a long drink trying to hide his face behind the lip of the cup.

"Uh huh." I smirked over at him and his face turned a shade darker. "Well, i've got practice in an hour and need to put my douche face on." I sighed heavily at the thought. Around the band I had to play the part of lead singer. I wore skinny jeans, rings on both hands, and generally my hair was resting in my eyes. We always had groupies show up to our practices, so I had to act like I wasn't interested. This part wasn't so hard. Most of them wore way to much dark makeup, skin tight clothes, and threw themselves at me. I've had to escort several, particularly stubborn, naked girls out of the band house before. Tyler smiled apologetically over at me. I heaved myself off the stool and gathered my various piles of crap to shove in my bag.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

I floated through practice. Focusing on the memory of Tasha's lips against mine to get through having to be there with all the groupies undressing me with their eyes. I think the rest of the guys could tell something was off but I mostly ignored them. When we finished running through the same song for fourth time. I stepped back and motioned that I was taking a break and not to follow me. I headed back towards the fridge we kept in the garage for practice and grabbed a gatorade to take to the bathroom. I just needed to away from the prying eyes. 

I felt in my pocket for my phone, contemplating whether I should call Tasha. I didn't realize one of the particularly insistent girls had been following me until the door to the bathroom didn't shut behind me. I turned to find her pushing her way in behind me. She constantly died her hair blue to keep the color bright and it was cropped in a short pixie cut with pieces kept long in the front. She was average in height and average in everything else. She had never captured my attention but that didn't stop her from trying.

"Jax, baby. Why are you always playing hard to get?" She stepped closer to me and I tried to edge my way past her and out of the bathroom.

"Back the f*ck off Clarice. I'm not interested. Go ask to suck one of the other's d*cks. I'm sure they'd be happy to let you." My nose was turned up in disgust at her approach to me. I didn't like the forward girls. I was the forward one. She took another step towards me.

"I know this just an act and that you really are just aching to get me alone. Well, here we are." She rushed at me and tried to place her lips on mine. I sidestepped easily as it appeared she had been drinking. I quickly stepped out of the door and headed back to the practice area.

"I'm f*cking leaving. I'll call you later." I said to no one in particular as I rushed to grab my things and get the hell out of there.

A/N: I promise I haven't forgotten about you guys! I've been struggling a lot lately with motivation.. for anything really. I'm not ready to give up on this yet though. Keep voting and commenting! I love to hear from all of you. If you don't like something or have a suggestion to make it better I want to hear that too!! Much love <3

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