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The rest of the night passed pretty uneventfully. I was so tired that I collapsed on the couch back at the house, and didn't get back up. Braedon put on a movie and from the noises and voices, it sounded like Fast and Furious.

I napped on and off for awhile until I smelled something delicious. I perked up in my spot on the couch and heard a chuckle behind me.

"Hungry Cap?" Hunter leaned over the back of the couch.

"Yes!" I tried to get up but found I couldn't move my left leg. I looked down and saw Tyler's brown hair on my thigh. I looked back at Hunter with a small smile .

"I'll bring you something." He straightened with a smirk on his face. I settled back into the couch trying to adjust my position for my now asleep leg. Tyler stirred and pushed me further down into the couch. He wrapped his arms around my hips and buried his face in my stomach. I tried not to giggle  at his cuteness in case I woke him up.

Hunter came back with a plate in his hands and laughed at my predicament. He handed me the plate with two slices of pepperoni on it. I held it over top of Tyler's head, not quite sure where to put it. I finished my pizza and fell back asleep with my tree wrapped around me.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  * * * * * * * * * *

I woke up with a crick in my neck from sleeping in a weird position on the couch. Sometime during the night, Tyler and I had shifted again. His head was now pillowed on my chest and his legs were trapping mine between them. I wiggled, needing the bathroom and not knowing how to disentangle myself. Tyler grunted and tightened his arms around my waist. I pushed on his arms and wiggled some more. he released me with another grunt and I slowly pried myself up from the couch. I tentatively put one foot down on the floor, but it landed on warm skin instead. I looked down and found Braedon's warm, bare chest under my toes. I pulled my foot back and looked at all the glorious brown skin before me. He had one arm thrown over his eyes and the other down by his side.

He was extremely muscular, with clean lines on his chest and down his stomach. I blushed bright red when I realized I had been staring. My eyes moved across the room and I found Hunter on the adjacent side of the L shaped couch with his head near where mine had been. Cole was down by Tyler's feet, with his head back on the couch and his hand on one of Tyler's legs.

I found a bare space on the floor between Braedon and the couch and hopped my way out of the living room to the bathroom. When I got back, all of the boys were still asleep, but Tyler had stretched out to fill the space I had vacated. His feet were now in Cole's lap and Cole's hand was higher,resting above his knee. I left them to sleep for a while longer and decided to make breakfast.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After the boys were done eating, they all went upstairs for showers and to get dressed. I settled in the living room and relaxed on the couch with Ellen playing on the tv. Tyler was the first one down with his hair still wet and his t-shirt thrown over his shoulder. His ab muscles were just as defined as Braedons. I caught myself staring again as he pulled his shirt on. I blinked a couple of times to clear my head and when my eyes focused again, Tyler was smirking at me.

"See something you like?" I blushed from cheeks down to my chest at his words and went back to watching the tv. I felt the couch depress beside me and felt Tyler's arm go around my shoulders.

"You ready for your first assignment today, fiore?"

"Today?" I squeaked out. I was nervous. I had no idea what to expect anymore.

"Yeah. Hunter, Cole, and I are gonna take you to the pool. We need you to distract the lifeguards while we... get something." I looked at him for a second before busting out in laughter.

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