The boys

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Tyler was hesitant at first, but quickly recovered and was soon pressing us further into the alcove. His muscular arms threaded around me and banded around my waist. I heard Cole chuckle before getting lost in Tyler again.
His kiss was one of opposites. His lips remained plush while he crushed his mouth to mine; his hands were rubbing my back lightly while his arms pressed my body into his. I could feel the hard planes of his chest and stomach under his __ shirt and gripped his shoulders to try and bring him even closer to me. Another hand appeared and traced down my arm, sending shivers along my whole body.
"Merda. (Shit.)" I broke away from Tyler with a start to worriedly look up at Cole. He was looking over his shoulder with his brow furrowed.
"Scenderi, piccola. (Get down, baby.)" My eyes widened at his urgent tone and I lowered into a crouch quickly and pressed myself into the corner, trying to be as small as possible. My breath caught in my throats when Cole grabbed Tyler's shoulder and turned him so that they were chest to chest. Tyler's was rising and falling at a rapid rate as Cole reached up to his face and placed the other hand at his waist.
My heart stuttered when Cole pressed their lips together. It was a sight to behold, two gorgeous guys making out right in front of me. I was even more turned on now than I had been and unconsciously squirmed under the heat they were giving off.
I spotted Brady out of the corner of my eye, just beyond Coke and Tyler, and ducked my head just in time to make it look like I was passed out. I held my breath as he continued past our little corner, sparing my boys a dirty look on his way. I breathed a sigh of relief once he had gone and slid back up the wall. I smirked at the boys but watched them make out a minute longer, enjoying the view.
I ran my finger down Cole's arm to where it joined with Tyler and said, "Lui é andato. (He's gone.)" They slowly pulled apart, breathing heavily and staring intensely at each other.
"Sorry love." Cole looked as if he was in pain as he pulled his hands back from Tyler. I held onto one of his and grabbed Tyler's with my free hand. They both looked at me with mirror expressions of alarm at this. I laughed once and then stood on my toes to press a kiss on each of their cheeks.
Cole grabbed his phone out of his pocket, looked down at it, and proceeded to pull both me and Tyler back through the party and out the front door.

A/N: I know that this is short. And it would be longer. But my laptop won't start up and writing it on paper and then typing into my phone is a pain in my butt. I haven't updated in a few weeks so hopefully this will tide you over till I can get a working computer.

All my love <3

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