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After everyone was done eating, Tyler ordered shoes to be put on and bags grabbed. Several times I tried asking where we were going and where Jax was, but all questions went unanswered. I finally gave up and followed the boys out to a grey Jeep. I squished myself in the back between the twins, drinking up the feeling of their identical thighs pressing against mine.

When we finally made it somewhere I recognized, I was halfway asleep, propped up between the twins. We pulled up to a door and I reached for my seat belt.

"No babe. It's just us getting out."My breath caught at Cole's casual use of "babe", so I just sat back and watched as the twins walked towards the mall entrance.

Tyler rolled down his window and called after them, "You have 1 hour before I come for your asses." He looked back at Braedon and signaled the go ahead. We drove around to another door and Tyler looked back at me.

"This is our stop buttercup." He got out and opened my door for me. As I got out, I looked back at Braedon with a frown. 

He smiled back at me, "Don't worry, I'll see you later," and sped off, probably to find parking. Tyler grabbed my hand and tugged me towards the door.

"Come on. We only have 30 minutes 'til we meet Jax." At this, I perked up considerably. I hadn't seen Jax in several days was missing the constant teasing.

I trailed behind Tyler wondering what we were shopping for. We stopped in front of Victoria's Secret and pink appeared on the tops of his cheeks.

"They have swimsuits, but if you need anything else, we can get that too." He was avoiding eye contact and I found it hilarious that he was so embarrassed.

"I didn't bring any money with me..." I trailed off, also becoming uncomfortable at my unprepared state. All of a sudden he grabbed my face and turned me to stare into his honey whiskey eyes

"Fiore, I have more money than I know what to do with. Please let me buy you things." I wanted to tell him that I probably had the same if not more money and that wasn't the issue. instead, I smiled slightly and nodded. He started to back up towards the bench in front of the store. I remembered his face yesterday and formed an evil plan.

"Oh no you don't." I stalked towards him and grabbed wrist to drag him into the store.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

45 minutes later, we walked out with three full bags. I wasn't expecting to buy more than just a swimsuit, but we passed a pale yellow nightie that made Tyler's face turn crimson. I smirked, grabbed one in my size and watched as his eyes widened so far i thought they might pop out of his head. After that, he decided to shop for me, so I ended up with 5 sleep outfits in pale yellow, grey, pale blue, maroon, and hunter green. I also picked out a cute Kelly green bikini with black ties and a small heart pattern. Tyler said the green would play off my red hair and compliment my complexion.

"Come on Tulip, we're super late. It's Jax's turn and he is dying to see you."

 The excitement from earlier was still evident in his voice, but I knew I would be exhausted after this trip. I followed behind him only having to carry one of my bags. We finally stopped in front of a store I had  never heard of before. I peeked inside, trying to get a feel for the atmosphere. I felt a strong hand grab my waist and lips brush against my ear.

"Looking for me Red?" I shivered from his breath across my neck, spun and smacked his arm. I immediately hugged him after and asked into his shoulder, "Where have you been?" He chuckled.

"I stay with the band more often during the semester to keep up appearances. Normally, I don't even get to shop with Ty unless we are out of state."

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