The Party Part 2

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The basement was dark and hazy, like a cloud was trying to hide all the untoward events happening. There were several couples pressed against the walls, moving together and barely coming up for air. Two tables were set up with plastic cups on both end. I had never played beer pong but had been to enough high school parties to know what it should look like. I trailed behind Brady, trying to be invisible. 

He walked up to one of the of tables and demanded, "Move it losers." The guys playing turned with animosity splayed over their face. As soon as they noticed that Brady was darkly glaring in their direction, the anger fled their faces and they turned tail and sulked in a corner far away from the table. Brady and two of the guys from upstairs replaced the cups into a pyramid formation. 

"Come on princess, I'll let you go first." He smirked in my direction and held out a ping pong ball in my direction. I paused for a moment, considering how to approach this situation. I tucked my chin slightly and batted my eyelashes as I stepped towards the table.

"I'm not very good, I'll probably drag you down." I threw in a giggle at the end to emphasis the act I was putting on. I grabbed the ball from his outstretched hand and pretended to aim while I scrunched up my face in mock concentration. I threw the ball and it bounced off of the chest of one of the guys across the table. They both chuckled and I turned to Brady with a pout on my face.He was looking down at me with disappointment in his eyes. 

"Why don't I play by myself baby doll?" I continued to pout but put my arms around his waist.

"Ok, I'll just watch over there." He leaned down aiming to place a kiss on my lips. I thankfully turned at the last second and he grazed the corner of my mouth. I held back my feelings of disgust and fear and carefully pulled away from him with a carefully constructed smile on my face. I leaned against the wall that was behind him and pulled my phone out of my purse. I needed it to look like I wasn't paying attention and was bored with the party. I checked to see if I had any messages from the guys and was pleasantly surprised.

Blue: I miss you already.

Blue: The dress.... there are no words to describe how incredible you look

Flash: I've got your back Cap. Always.

Cole: I wish I could make this party actually fun for you.

Cole: Ugh all these girls are trying hit on me and all I can think about is you

Cole: What do you think of Matt?

Tyler: You look amazing. Like bright red, freshly bloomed rose ;)

Bear: Don't worry I'm not far

Bear: I'm coming downstairs with you

Bear: Let me know if you need any help

A sense of relief washed over me at the sweet and caring texts from all of my guys. They are definitely mine. I was smiling a real smile at this point; my cheeks almost hurting from the joy. A new message came through and I glanced up to see if any of the guys at the table were paying attention to me.

Bear: Stop smiling like that Bunny. I can't kiss you while you're so far away.

I giggled and Brady looked back at me with a menacing look in his eye. I rolled my eyes and simply said, "Kamille," hoping that would appease him. He relaxed and turned back to the game and I let out a small sigh of relief. I looked around the room trying to find Braedon, but I couldn't see him through the haziness.

"So this new shipment. It's really supposed to make the high last longer."  stiffened at the words one of the guys across the table was saying. They were talking about drugs. I knew they weren't talking about the pool. I shifted my stance slightly so that all of the guys were in my line of sight and I raised my phone, trying to look like I was in an intense text conversation. I turned on my camera and started recording, thinking I could use this in the future.

"Yeah man. I had one of the runners try it out. He was rolling for hours." He chuckled and sunk three cups before he missed. 

"Oh man I can't wait. My stash is running low. I spent my weekend in the clouds if you know what I mean." The guy on the right was grinning as he nudged his partner and continued the game.

"We're raising prices cause of the new shipment though. An extra five hundred for your normal buy man." Brady was standing with his feet shoulder width apart and his hands in his pockets. To someone who didn't know better, he looked casual and relaxed, But I knew he was playing off of a power pose with his shoulders back and feet strong.

"Five hundred!" The guy who had been excited only moments ago, paled and looked worried.

"It's some quality coke man. I'm telling you, an intense high that lasts for hours. It's worth it." My blood froze at his casual use of the word coke. I stopped recording and paying attention, trying to calm my racing heartbeat. I sent a group text to all the guys.

Tasha: I'm ready to leave. Now.

Bear: Take deep breaths for me Bunny.

Cole: Say you're going to the bathroom. We got you babe.

I took a few deep breathes to steady my nerves and pushed of the wall. I walked over to Brady and placed my had on his arm.

"I'm going to the little girls room. I'll be right back." He barely acknowledged me and I slipped away trying to look casual as I strode across the room towards the stairs. My eyes darted back and forth, still paranoid that someone would stop me. My heart was still racing even though I was making progress away from Brady. I looked behind me to make sure that he wasn't following and sagged in relief when I found him still at the table.

Back upstairsI looked around the living room in search of any of the guys. I felt someone come up behind and place their hands on my waist again. I tensed ready to fend off Brady again.

"Relax Buttercup. I've got you." I melted back into Tyler's arms as he fully wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Come on. We've got to hide for a few minutes." He pulled me across the room to the alcove under the stairs where I had seen Hunter earlier in the night. He pressed me into the dark corner and covered my view of the room with his frame. I clutched at his shirt with both of my hands as my body started to shake.

"We are only hiding so that Braedon can distract Brady. There's no reason to be afraid fiore." His voice was soft and he rested his cheek on the top of head while keeping his arms braced on the wall. I shuddered out a few long breaths and leaned into him more pressing our bodies closer together, needing the warmth and comfort of him.

"Im sorry albero. I'm sure it's just the nerves and adrenaline." I was mumbling into his chest, hoping that he could decipher what I was saying. A pair of hands appeared from behind Tyler and rubbed my arms on his chest.

"Move over love." I heard Cole's voice, as Tyler dropped one arm and shifted to make room for him in our small corner. He placed a hand on my cheek and brushed his thumb under my eye.

"We've got you, relax." He had one hand on Tyler's shoulder and the other in his pocket. Tyler wrapped his now free arm around my waist and massaged little circles on my back. I looked up at Tyler and Cole, finally feeling safe between them. I released Tyler's shirt and slid my arms up around his neck. I looked over at Cole and placed one of my hands on top of his that was on Tyler's shoulder. He smiled at me gave a little nod in Tyler's direction. My heart fluttered in my chest at his implication. I looked back at Tyler and he was studying my face. I could feel his breaths in his chest; the rise and fall urging me forward. 

I pushed up on my toes and nudged Tyler's Face closer to mine. His eyes widened slightly and I smiled before placing my lips on his.

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