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Cole and I walked around campus for awhile, not saying much. I held onto his arm for awhile until my arm got tired. He reached down and grabbed my hand with his. I looked up at him with a sort of shocked look on my face. Cole wasn't looking at me so I looked away. We walked for awhile more and I noticed that we were coming up on the sports complex.

"Where are we going?" I scrunched my eyebrows together and tried to puzzle out where he was taking me.

"I need to think." I followed along beside him through the parking lot to the stadium. He went through the locker room and picked up a football dragging me behind him along the way. When we got to the field he let go of my hand and put the football on the ground. He took off his jacket and his shoes and socks.

"You know how to throw a football?" He looked up at me from his spot on the ground. I smiled and picked up the ball from beside where he was sitting.

"Why don't you find out?" I walked backwards away from him kicking off my sandals in the process. He pushed up off the ground and walked backwards the other way. I gripped the ball in my hands and lined up my fingers in a few of the laces. I drew back my arm and let the ball fly from hand in a messy spiral. My fingers had always been on the small side for footballs. He caught the ball a few seconds later with a slightly stunned look on his face. A grin spread across his face and he threw the ball back at me, this time in a perfect spiral. Figures. The ball flew over my head so I turned and ran after it. I caught it close to the end zone so decided to keep running and score. I turned around with a big smile on my face to find Cole running after me. I squeaked and tried running away, but he easily caught up to me and scooped me up over his shoulder.

"That was beautiful, babe." He swung me back over his shoulder like he was going to throw me down, and I expected to feel the ground hit my back. he laid me down gently instead and hovered over my face.

"I really was not expecting that."

"I'm just full of surprises I guess." I gave him a small smile trying to get the butterflies in my stomach to calm down. He was really close to my face and I could feel the heat of his body radiating towards mine.

"You are." His eyes rested on my lips and they started to tingle under his gaze. I bit the inside of my bottom lip and my tongue darted out to relieve the feeling. All of a sudden his face was coming even closer and before I realized it his lips were on mine.

It was very innocent just him pressing his lips against me. I pushed back against him and he started to move his lips. He slanted, driving the kiss deeper and I gasped at the feeling, letting him in. He rubbed his tongue lightly across my top lip and grasped the bottom between his. His hand drifted up to hold my left cheek and his thumb rubbed tiny circles on the apple.

He shifted his body closer to mine and his leg laid flush with mine against the turf. He pulled back slightly and took a deep breath before leaning in again and capturing my lips. His hand slid further back and grasped the back of my neck. The pressure from his hand tilted my head further and pushed my chest out slightly. He shifted again and rested his knee between my legs, pressing his chest against mine in the process. The new feeling made my whole body tingle and I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed back against him, once again trying to relieve the feeling. He let out a small groan at my movements and pulled back to get his breath.

"Babe." He pulled his hand back and brushed some stray hairs off my forehead. "I know you're having some doubts about us, about the Knights. But I just want you to know that We won't let anything bad happen to you." I grabbed his hand and held it in mine.

"I know Spike. I always feel safe when I am with you." He gazed down at me and a small smile graced his handsome face.

"Spike?" his bent down and kissed the tip of my nose.

"Seemed fitting considering where we are."

"I like it." He placed another soft kiss on my lips. "Come on. Let's keep playing." He pulled me up by our connected hands and grabbed my hips. He leaned down and placed a few more kisses along my lips with one arm wrapped around my hips and one hand on my face. I sighed in content and squeezed his arms with my hands.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Cole walked me back my dorm and kissed me goodbye at the door. Once I was inside, I couldn't stop touching my lips and just leaned against the door. The past few hours had been amazing, but there was this voice in my head that kept whispering the other guys names. I had no idea what to do anymore. I felt safe and happy with the guys, but who knew what kind of shit was coming by getting involved with the Knights.

I pushed off the door and headed to the bathroom to shower and clear my head of the Cole fog that it was in. I stayed in for well over half an hour, shaving and washing everything, and by the time I got out the mirror was completely fogged over. I went over and picked up my phone to find 3 missed calls and a ton of text messages. I called Braedon back, figuring he was the most worried if he called multiple times. After a couple of rings he picked up.

"Hey bunny are you ok?" I smiled at his worried tone.

"I'm fine Brae. I was just with Cole and then I took a shower when I got back. I was safe I promise." He let out a long, relieved sigh.

"Good. You should come by the house. See the other guys and show them you are ok."

"OK. I'll be over soon."

"Do you need some one to come get you?"

"I'll be ok. I'll see you soon?"

"Yeah. Be safe Bunny."

"Bye." I hung up and got dressed in some comfy jeans and a cute v-neck in pink. I grabbed my phone and threw my keys and wallet into a purse.

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