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The boys finished their wings pretty quickly and started talking about the rest of the semester and how to deal with them being together more often.

"We're going to have to come up with some kind of excuse or..."

"No wait!" Jax interrupted Tyler's train of thought, "why can't we just use Tasha as our excuse? Think about it. We just say that we all met her, separately of course, and that she introduced us..." I tuned out the rest of the conversation, because it didn't seem to mean anything significant for me, and focused on finished my wings that were actually quite delicious. I only had two wings left, and the boys were still discussing the credibility of their story, when the click of heels suddenly stopped in front of our table.

"Well look who I found." I internally groaned at the voice, dreading the next couple of minutes.

"Hi Kamille." I turned my face towards her and pasted a wobbly smile on my lips.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" She was using her fake coy voice, probably because Tyler was so handsome.

"Uh, this is Tyler and Jack." For some strange reason I didn't want to tell her Jax's real name, and having his face covered helped with that. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eyes and saw a small smile playing in the corners of his lips. He was looking down at his phone, seemingly engrossed his phone and ignoring Kamille. She placed a perfectly manicured finger on Tyler's shoulder and started to drag it downward before he scooted out from under her with a pained expression on his face.

Having been here before Cole, and having heard his reaction afterward, the boys' reaction to my former friend made me feel like giggling. I repressed the urge and tried to look boredly up at her.

"Can I join you? I'm here with some other friends, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind." Before she got an answer, she slid into the booth next to Tyler and sat pressed against his side. I clenched my fists under the table at seeing her next to MY albero. I felt Jax's hand reach for mine under the table ha she dragged my fist over to his lap. He pried open my fingers and placed his between mine, linking our hands together. I felt something tap my foot under the table, so I drew my feet back under my seat.

Tyler had tried scooting away from Kamille to no avail. He was now pressed against the wall on one side and against Kamille on the other. He caught my eye and frowned with one of his eyebrows raised. He might have been trying to talk to me through his facial expressions, but I wasn't getting it. His eyes darted down at the table and came back up to mine. Oh! I placed my feet back where they had been. A pair of feet trapped mine between them, and I understood that Tyler was trying to reassure me the best he could.

"So Tasha, there's this party I'm throwing on Friday. Everyone will be there. The baseball team, the football team, the hot lifeguards, literally everyone. I was wondering if you wanted to bring your friends?" She was rubbing Tyler's arm now and had leaned her cheek against his shoulder. Tyler was visibly upset and trying to shake her off, but he didn't have much room to wiggle around.

"Can you get off of me please?" He was angry now, and you could hear it in his voice.

"Oh baby, why didn't you say anything?" She winked at him and wiggled her way back over in the booth giving him some breathing room. His jaw clenched at her use of baby, and I felt like I was going to hurl. What is wrong with her?

"Uh, I mean, well, I can ask them if they aren't busy." I stammered my way through a response, and could the feel the blush creeping up my face.

"Great!" She clapped her hands together and stood up, "I'll send you all the details later." With this she winked and swished away, her heels clicking on the tile again. I sighed and slumped back in the booth.

A/N: This is a short one. Just a little a treat for those of you who read :)

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