The Round Table I

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Hunter's POV

"Well we f*cked that up royally." Jax sat back on the couch putting his arms across the back. I was scrubbing my face with my hands trying to focus on the guys.

"Cap was seriously freaked out." I raised my head to look over at Tyler. He just nodded and sat there with a strange look in his face. I caught Cole out of the corner of my eye and he was trying to hold back his comment. I faced him. What? I asked with my eyes.

"Cap?" He asked out loud, "I just thought I misheard you earlier." I smiled at his question. She caught me off guard with her shirt today. She was already gorgeous, her auburn hair off-setting her light blue eyes, but she had to go and wear a superhero shirt. And she called me Flash. My mind went back to that day in the library, my smile growing wider. Looking back now I realize that she thought I was Cole, but who even goes to the fiction section of a college library to think? She had this insanely cute crinkle to her round face while her finger ran down the spines and I think that's what hooked me.

"She have me a nickname so I gave her one." I eventually said back still a little lost in my Tasha thoughts.

"Can we focus?" Braedon asked from my left on the floor.

"We have to decide on an assignment." Tyler's head snapped up and his eyes cleared up.

"Ok. How are we doing this? Team stuff? Individual time alone?" He trailed off leaving the floor open. None of us were making eye contact. I cleared my throat,

"I think it's a little obvious that we are all attracted to her." Everyone's eyes swung over to me and my raised eyebrow.

"You know what the rules say, no jealously. Does anyone think they will have a problem?" I got five resounding head shakes.

"Ok then. Here is my proposed plan. We use the first two for individual or small group bonding. Our final assignment should be a group trust building test and then the final, council task is when we get her to rely on us for support."

"And other stuff." I heard Jax mutter under his breath.

"Any objections?" Tyler, our fearless leader, took back control.

"Alright then. First assignment. Any ideas?" There was an overwhelming silence. Braedon spoke up again,

"Maybe we could start with a self-confidence booster. She was blushing and fidgeting a lot once she realized who we were." He always was the observant one.

"Lifeguards?" Cole was finally contributing to the ideas.

"Good plan." I flashed him a smirk.

"Lifeguards it is. Meeting adjourned." Tyler grabbed his stuff and headed out the back, trying to avoid being seen. Jax peeled himself off the couch and slapped his sunglasses on his face.

"Later losers." He strode out the front door without a care in the world.

"You staying bro?" Cole asked Braedon, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah man, I don't think I can handle the house today." He frowned and I waved my had at him.

"No problem. Your bed is still made." I got up and clapped him on the back, heading towards the stairs.

"I'll be upstairs." I called over my shoulder, looking forward to my videogames and dreams of Tasha.

Secret SocietyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora