The Round Table III

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**Braedon's POV**

I hung up, relieved that Bunny was safe. I went upstairs looking for Tyler or Hunter. I found Hunter kicked back on his bed watching some show on his tv.

"Hey, Bunny's on her way. I gotta go for a ride, see Rachel." I rubbed my hand over my head, feeling the stress building.

"Ok man. Bike's in the back, I've been keeping it up for you. Been awhile since you rode, you doing ok?" He sat up, concern etched on his face. I rubbed both my hands down my face.

"I'll let you know when I get back." I turned and went back down the stairs to go out the back. I grabbed the helmet on my way out of the garage and the keys off the rack. Whenever I got worked up I went for a ride on Camelot, the society motorcycle. The wind on my face and the rumble of the bike relaxed my muscles and made me feel whole again. the only other time I felt that way was with Rachel. I got on the bike and pushed off towards Rachel's place.

When I got to the house I went straight inside looking for Rachel. I heard the shower going, and headed to the back to her bedroom. I sat down on the bed and kicked off my boots. I flopped back and waited for her to be done in the shower. I heard the water turn off and lifted my head to watch the door. She popped her head out of the door and gave me a sweet smile. Her black hair shiny with water and dripping down her shoulders.

"Hey babe I'll be out in a minute. Do you wanna talk first?" I smiled back at her.

"Yeah I got some things to run past you." She tucked back into the bathroom and I laid my head down again. I was kinda nervous about how she was gonna take all the stuff I had going on. She came out in her pink silk robe and sat on the bed next to me with her legs crossed. She rubbed the arm closest to her and ran a hand over my head.

"What's going on baby? You haven't just shown up in a while. You usually call first." I closed my eyes. She was the only person that could touch me without causing a reaction and I was craving the contact.

"We got a new member and her first assignment went a little sideways." I let out a long sigh still a little nervous for this next part.

"Her?" Her hand drifted from arm to rub my chest.

"Yeah babe that's what's got me worked up. She's gorgeous and tiny and such a firecracker. And f*ck me if she isn't a sub." Her hand slowed the circles on my chest.

"Do you think your ready for someone new? I know I have Cameron, but the transition for you when I started seeing him was hard. And I remember when we first started out I could barely touch you." I let out another long sigh and grabbed the hand on my chest and brought it up to my lips.

"I think I'm ready. What I really want to know is how you feel about it." I looked up into her eyes and saw acceptance.

"We had this conversation when we first started getting serious. I know how this works. We stay open and honest with each other. Do I get to meet her?" She smiled down at me some of the water from her hair dripping onto my cheek. I smiled back so thankful to have such an amazing person in my life.

"After I let her know what kind of relationship I want and she talks to the other guys. I think they all want something too."

"You think Cole, Tyler, and Hunter will finally come to terms with their situation?"

"I really hope so." I was done talking and grabbed her head to pull her in for a kiss. I let her go and sat up.

"Now take off that robe and get down into your position."

"Yes Sir." She fluidly got off the bed and dropped her robe on the floor.

A/N: Hehe sorry to leave you hanging but I'm not quite ready for a mature rating yet. I'm also thinking about making the mature scenes separate parts that are private. Let me know what you think!

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