*new* Beginning

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I was late. So very late. Hopefully my seat was still open. Crap. I was supposed to save Kamille and Sadie seats. A guy ran out in front of me and I almost smacked right into him.

"Merda (Shit)! Watch where your going stronzo (asshole)!" He gave me a funny look but I was already late and now had coffee dripping down my hand. I rushed up the steps of Colgan Hall and debated elevator versus stairs. Pressing the up button, I hopped from foot to foot trying to wipe excess latte on my jeans and lick the sides of the cup to catch the drips down the side. I felt someone sidle up next to me just as I was taking a particularly long lick up the side and the elevator dinged. Me neck flushed as I rushed forward to push the fourth floor button. I looked over to see a guy step on after me.

"Which floor?" I asked my finger hovering over the buttons.

"4." He replied with a smirk on his face. I quickly looked away and focused on my coffee in my hand. If I didn't have such a need for caffeine I would've been on time to class today. I pulled out my phone to check for any messages and see if I really was going to be late. 5 more minutes. Perfect. No messages from Kamille or Sadie. The elevator stopped and I hopped off heading for the lecture room. I could still hear the buzz inside and pulled open the door. Yes! My seat was still open. I rushed over and sat down placing my bag beside me to save seats. I saw Kamille and Sadie come in together and I raised my hand and smiled. Neither of them even glanced in my direction. I lowered my hand to my hair trying to play off the burn. They walked up the opposite side of the hall and sat down together.

"Is this seat taken?" I looked up to sound and my voice caught in my throat. Maledizione (Damn). He is hot. He light mocha skin clashing with his intense green eyes.

"Uh no. No it's not taken." I grabbed my bag and placed it under my seat between my Converse.

"Thanks." I smiled up at him and then focused on getting out my notebook.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


After class I tried to catch Kamille and Sadie.

"Kamille!" I yelled trying to catch her attention.

"Wait up!" I saw her flinch and grab Sadie's arm and walk faster. I stopped in my tracks and felt someone slam into my back. I stumbled forward and felt someone grab my arm to stabilize me. I spun around and disentangled myself by grabbing his wrist and twisting his arm uncomfortably.

"Woah there, sorry. I just didn't want you to fall. You can let go now." I realized that I was still twisting the guys arm. The incredibly muscular guys arm.

"Oh sorry." I blushed as his milk chocolate eyes locked with mine. What is it with hot guys today? I turned to exit the hall when he asks, "Where did you learn to do that?" I turned halfway back and answered,

"Self-defense class." This time I turned and started walking, ignoring him trying to get my attention again. I decided I needed the comfort of the library. Nothing like quiet and the smell of books. I started walking towards the library, and a guy came out of nowhere and plowed me down. The falling sensation was the worst until I felt myself spinning. I landed on something hard and my breath left me in a rush. My cheek rubbed up against something soft as I tried to get up. Wait what? Soft? I moved my face to look down and saw a red cotton shirt. My eyes drifted up and up to a handsome face with big baby blues staring back at me.

"We've got to stop meeting like this chica." I gave him a puzzled look.

"You got coffee all over my favorite shirt this morning and called me an asshole."

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