Anthony's POV

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Devon ^

8:44 pm

I knew Rose was hurting after seeing her grandmothers necklace break, but I could guarantee that I was hurting way more than she was.

The soreness and the tearing I felt on my stomach was unbearable, the tightness from the bandage only made it worse.

The security came up and asked me questions about what happened with Jaidah and it was clear that she passed out. I told them that she simply got into a fight.

They carried Jaidah's body into another room until she woke up.

I was laying there all alone listening to the sound of the machine beeping.

I couldn't help to think about Rose and how much I craved her. She just talked to me but it felt like I had already forgotten how her voice sounded. I wanted to hold her and hug her , and kiss her. I promised myself I'd show her how much I loved and missed her once I got out of the place.

"Anthony!" My mom cried as she walked through the door.

"Hey mom." I greeted her with a smile.

"Oh Anthony, I was so worried about you. You don't know how much I cried." She said hugging and kissing me.

"Well I'm fine now." I assured her.

"Rose told us that it was Devon." She said out of breath.

"It was Devon..." I said before I finish because shortly after two detectives followed behind her.

"Looks like you're feeling better." One detective greeted.

"So now we'd like to ask you questions about what happened July 7th in regards to your shooting..." another detective budded in.

"Can you identify the shooter? Name? Appearance?..."

"Uh yeah he's lightskin with a big ass head..and tattoos on both arms, we're the same height, and his name is Devon Micheals...." I explained.

"NOw was the really necessary?" I Mom Whispered shoving my shoulder.

"Sir, we're going to me mo-." Started one of the investigators...

"No, we aren't thank you." Finished the second investigator.

And they left the room just like that.

"Well...that was quick.." said my mom sitting next to me.

"Can you find out for me when I can leave?" I Asked impatiently.

"Anth-" my mom started before she was interrupted AGAIN by someone walking into the room.

It was a nurse with long flowing Indonesian weave that stopped at the end of her back. The only reason I knew her weave so well, was because my sister kept stashes of them in her room. Her makeup was done neatly and she wore yellow scrubs that complimented her chocolate skin well. She was holding a small little cup that looked like it contained some sort of pills and in the other hand she was holding a cup of water.

"So I'm going to need you to take these pills. One is an iron tab for your blood, and the two other ones are pain relievers." She said getting straight to the point handing me both cups.

"Thank you." I said taking both cups.

"The doctor isn't here right now, but from the looks of it, you should be out by time tomorrow." Said the nurse in a boring, serious voice.

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