Rose's POV Continued...

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I picked up the bits of the chain and I saw the "Mi"  part under the bed. I was scrambling around find the "amor" piece. My heart was beating so fast. I didn't even care that Jaidah beat me, I was too focused on my necklace.

My grandma was the only person besides my sister who cared and listened about how I felt about things. I always came to her when I had a problem or when my parents were treating me unfairly. I loved my grandmother with all my soul & everything she said or gave to me I took to heart.

"Babe.." Anthony spoke softly kneeling down helping me find the piece.

"Anthony please go lay down... it's not good for you." I spoke back with a tear dripping from my nose and a crack in my voice.

"Ro-" he started..

"NO Anthony, go lay back down!" I commanded angrily still crying.

Without hesitating , he went and laid back down like I told him. I was sniffing as I still struggled to find the other piece.

The nurse walked through the door, with her mouth wide open. She walked slowly in holding her mouth. She saw Jaidah's body slouched up in a chair, and she ran out getting security.

I stood up giving up on the fact that I couldn't find the other piece...

I walked over to Anthony as I could still see the discomfort in his face.

"I probably won't be able to visit you again, so I'll just wait until you get out. I love you." I Said kissing his cheek.

He pulled my hand bringing it closer to him, No, I wanna kiss on the lips." He said smiling.

"Anthony, we can do that later..." I said giving him a half smile.

"Can we do a lil more?" He said smiling harder.

"I don't know, maybe." I Said smirking at him.

I made my way towards the door and before exiting, the security guards had already snatched my arm escorting me out.

5:59 pm

I was driving in the car angry as hell. I hated that bitch Jaidah, and all I wanted to do was put that bitch 6 feet under.

'Ole stiff ass weave, 'Ole stale ass, headass hoe.

I thought.

If we ever in the same room with each other again, it's over wit. Bitch messed with the wrong one. All the bad things my mother did, raising a bitch wasn't one.

But then on a positive note, I was happy Anthony had woken up and that we could start rekindling the love we had for each other.


"I thought you went to the store!" Yelled Aaliyah while patting Ava's back while she was crying.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away." I signed with a hand on my forehead because I had gotten a headache.

"Come get this girl! She's been driving me crazy!" She said handing me Ava.

The more I walked in, a scent lingered around the house. A scent that made my mouth water.

Christina was making dinner, mashed potatoes with gravy, a salad, and fried chicken to be exact.

Only God knows where she learned how to make fried chicken that good. I would hug who ever taught this white girl how to cook.

"Oh you're back." She said smiling at me.

I smiled back.

"I see you were feeling generous today." I joked.

"Yeah..I was." She smiled back.

Something good was clearly on her mind.

I changed my clothes and tended to Ava as I prepared to tell Christina and Aaliyah the good news.

"Rose, you're plate." Christina called.

We sat down at the table as we ate dinner.

"So, guess what?" I Said putting a glob of mashed potatoes in my mouth.

"What?" Asked Christina.

"So.. I went to see someone today in the hospital...and we talked for a little." I said with a grin.

Christina's fork dropped.

"You're kidding??" She asked.

"Nope, he woke up as soon as I got there." I explained.

"What did you guys talk about?" Asked Aaliyah.

"He told me who shot him.." I started.

They froze and Their eyes were glued to me as I knew they were eager to find out.

" was Devon."

Their faces contorted In disbelief.

"He told me that, Devon was talking about me and so they started fighting and that's when he pulled out a gun and shot Anthony.

Maybe when you guys go back over there you bring the cops with you.." I said.

"I told you he still loved you." Christina smirked.

"But as far as Devon, It's hard to believe that. In fact I refuse to believe it." She said shaking her head.

"They've been friends since forever....and..that's just so ridiculous.." she said shaking her head while pushing her plate away as she lost her appetite.

"I'm going over there to see him.." she said getting up from the table.

"Aaliyah are you coming?" She asked.

"I can't, I need to get ready for tomorrow." She replied.

I finished my food and went into my room to try and enjoy the rest of the day.

"Rose can I come in?" Aaliyah asked while speaking on the other side of door.

"Of course." I invited.

"You think I don't know you by know Rose, I want all the details now." She said smiling.

"Girl, let me tell you, your brother was laying there telling me how much he loved me, and then we started kissing, and then this man wanna grab up on my ass like he bout to get it in the hospital...child... and that waste of a time walks in talkin about what's going on? I start giving her attitude and then we started fighting..."

"In the hospital???" She asked.

"Girl yes."

"That's so ratchet. I'm done." She said walking out the room laughing.

The Rose From Concrete / COMPLETEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें