Anthony's POV

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I touched the side of my cheek and I could automatically feel the soreness she left from punching me. I've been punch in the face by all types of niggas, but non of them could compare to what she just did.
The truth is, is that I have really bad anger issues and I could've easily hit her back, But something held me back from doing that. I thank God for that. I could still hear her crying in her room. It wasn't one of those cries you get from being angry, it was the heavy ones you get from finding out someone died or something. At this point I officially don't care about her well being at all. I grabbed my stuff and left.

1:44 pm

"Mom I can't do it. I tried, but me and her just can't make It work. I'm sorry." I told her over the phone.
"Well I don't know what say. Maybe I'll try and talk to her." She said.
After that little showdown, I decided to get something to eat and started moving my furniture into my new apartment.

4:00 pm
All my furniture was moved inside and everything looked completed. The last thing I had to do was get my clothes and the rest of my belongings. It was so lonely and quiet. This was really the first time I'd been alone in a apartment.
I started reminiscing ...
Oh god. I sat at the end of my bed remembering everything I did on it. (Wink). I remembered all the times Rose and I laughed and talked and fucked on it.

Fuck... why am I thinking about her? I thought. Maybe there's a part of me that's still madly in love with her... but the rest is just ruthlessness and hate. The last time I heard her cry like that was when she told me her parents didn't want her anymore and that was back in highschool when we first met. I specifically remember seeing and meeting her for the first time.
It was the beginning of 12th grade and everyone was lit because as seniors it's the last year of highschool and I remember walking into the classroom with my friends and seeing a girl with long ,brown wavyish-curly type hair wearing glasses and reading a book in the back of the classroom.

The Rose From Concrete / COMPLETEDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя