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"Subscription boxes give you clothes?" Maybe they always have and I've never noticed it. But the idea of it sounded odd to me. I looked at the piece of clothing she handed me and I was just staring at it. "Um...liyah...did you kind of forget that ..um I'm kinda-sorta pregnant?" I asked. "Oh forget about that. Just try it on. It's cute." She said with that big happy smile of hers. "Um no thanks. I just got dressed and it's hard enough to try to put clothes on anyway." I said . "Ugh. So lame. I hope you have a girl so I can dress her up in cute clothes." She said in a way kind of making fun of me. She knew I didn't want a daughter. "Let's hope not". I said rolling my eyes . She gave a devious smile as she walked out of my room.  Then it came to me. What if I did have a daughter? That would be so hard. There's already enough females in the family. I've been praying for a boy ever since I found out I was pregnant.

12:37 pm.
I finally walked out my room after being in there for at least a good hour and started to make my way towards the bathroom because if you don't know already expecting mother's use the bathroom a lot. The bathroom was right across from Christina's bedroom. When I walked into the bathroom I heard whispering coming out of Christina's room. She and Aaliyah were talking about something they obviously didn't want me to know about. I could only imagine what they were talking about. Was it a baby shower? A gender reveal? I shut the door and turned on the faucet to make it sound like I was busy and put my ear on the crease of the door to hear what they were talking about. "The judge said he might release your brother soon." Whispered Christina. When I heard those words I felt my heart skip a beat and my eyes started to widen. The thought of Anthony coming back scared the fuck out of me. At some point I knew me and him would have to be face to face. Every time I thought about that, all I could remember were the horrible memories he made me endure. "Aaliyah please don't tell Rose about this. I feel like it's my job to do it. " said Christina. "Okay mom." Said Aaliyah.

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