Rose's POV

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4:57 pm
"Alright Ms.Quinonez, just sign the rest of these papers and you'll be free to go." Said one of the nurses.
I signed paper, after paper, after paper. I put on a t-shirt and some sweats on to go home. I usually don't walk around in public like this..but cmon... give me a break I just had a baby and was tired. Plus when I get home I'm just going to stay in bed.

Christina brought in a pink car seat with flowers on it up to the room. "Finally, no more seeing this hospital and this room." She said exhaling. She put Ava in the car seat while she was sleep.
My lil baby. She was always sleep. She could sleep through anything. I threw my long, wavy hair into a messy bun, grabbed my stuff and we left. Christina bought me food on the way back since she was going to be at work and couldn't make dinner. Aaliyah had class so she wasn't going to be here either. We pulled into the driveway and walked into the house. I was holding the car seat with Ava in it and we walked into my room.
I walked in and it reminded me how much I was thankful for Christina and Aaliyah.
They changed the bed around, cleaned the sheets, moved the crib in, put the clothes and diapers into a drawer. Christina followed behind me. "So do you like it?" She asked. "Ofc. I love it. Thanks you guys." I gave her a hug. She got ready for work and left. Ava was in her crib and I was in bed bored out of my mind.
(Text message convo)
Anthony - Hey are you at my moms house?
Me - yeah why?
Anthony- can I come over?
Me- sure I guess?
Maybe, Anthony could come over and keep me company. Idk.

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