Anthony's POV

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Being in this hellhole was the worst thing ever . I always thought everyone exaggerated about how bad prison was, but after being in here for about 10 months I knew that what everyone was saying was true. I missed my mom, I missed my sister , I missed regular food and I missed taking a shit in privacy. "It's lunch time" said one of the prison guards as he opened the big, heavy, grey prison doors. "15 minutes to eat." He said as I walked passed him. "My nigga Anthony, they got your favorite today on the menu." Said one of the inmates named Shawn laughing. "Nigga don't fucking play wit me." I said. "nasty ass shit. Here you want this?" I asked. "Hell yeah nigga." "Ham & cheese sandwiches are good asf." Said Shawn . "No the fuck they not. I'm good." I sat down next to him sipping on water deciding not to eat. "I've always wondered how it's like to be mixed." "I heard white mamas can't cook for shit." Said Shawn laughing. "Bitch fuck you and don't talk about my mama." I said. "Aye Shawn you better leave that nigga mama out of this before he beat you like he did his female." Said another inmate named Chris. "Nigga watchu tryna do? I asked as I stood up. "Nigga you wanna fight?" He asked. "I mean it's whatever." I said as I punched my balled fist into my unballed hand. Everyone at their tables started to turn around as they knew was about to go down. "Don't get salty nuhh after I beat tf outta you." He said . I came up to him and I remember punching him in the face and we started fighting and then after that all I remember were guards pulling us off each other. I usually never remember what I do when I'm in a fight. It's just all adrenaline.

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