Rose & Anthony's POV

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12:20 pm.
"OMG SHES SO SWEET I CANT EVEN!" Exclaimed Aaliyah as she was holding Ava. Yes Ava. In my head I had already named her that. The last thing I needed was Anthony to agree with it. I was still laying in the hospital bed because I'm not only lazy, but because I was sore from giving birth.

I heard the door & saw the door open with Christina coming in. She walked up smiling.

"So how does it feel like to be a mom?" She asked.

"(Sigh) , it definitely feels stressful and different." I said.

She chuckled, "Well it's gonna be like that for a long time." She said. "I remember having Anthony and Aaliyah. Those were my favorite two days ever."

She went and walked towards Aaliyah to see Ava. They both were in love with her.

I checked my phone and again I saw the door open. This time it was a tall,strong, muscular body coming through.

"Hey guys." He said happily.

"Hey son." Said Christina.
"Ew". Said Aaliyah.

Christina came up and embraced him. It was always cute seeing a man hug his mother. It's almost the reason why I wanted a son.
"Hey Rose." He said looking directly into my eyes.
"Hello." I said softly.

"Give me my kid." Said Anthony to Aaliyah.

"Wait. Everyone gets a turn." She said rolling her eyes.
She got up and carried the pink little bundle and put it into Anthony's arms.

They all gathered around Anthony, mesmerized by her.
He looked up at me and said "I like the name Ava."

That's a relief because if he didn't I wouldn't have cared and would've still named her that anyways.

One of the nurses walked in with a clipboard. She had me and Anthony sign it.
(Birth Certificate)
Mothers DOB : July 20 | Mother's Name : Rosa Quinonez | Mother's Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
Fathers DOB : August 7 | Father's Name : Anthony Alexander Thorne | Father's Race/Ethnicity : African American/Caucasian
Child's Sex : Female | How many births? : Single | Child's DOB : June 30 | Child's Name : Ava Danielle Thorne-Quinonez
Ava had started crying so Anthony gave her to me and I fed her. Aaliyah and Christina had left the room to go home . I was going to be released later on today so they were going to set everything up. He watched me feed her. It wasn't awkward or Anything because he's seen my boobs before and I was use to it.

"I think this is all so crazy how we have a kid together." He said.

"Oh really? Because not to long ago you didn't care at all that I was pregnant." I said bitterly.

Anthony's POV
Her she goes bringing something up with an Attitude. Typical Rose.

I inhaled "well..things change & so do feelings." I said.
"Hmm.." She said with a slight attitude.

There's something I see whenever I look at Rose. I cant ever explain it.

"Well I hope you know baby stuff isn't free." She said.

"Duh." I smirked.
"...Just letting you know..." She said.

There was a small gap of silence between us for a minute or two.

"Rose..." I said.
She looked up at me and said "What?"

"I'm sorry for what I did in the past and a few days ago. I'm still working on myself. Please believe that." I said.

She gave an uncomfortable facial expression, as if she wanted or was about to cry.

"Ok.." She said.

No matter what I tried I could never get anything through to her. She's been like that ever since I've known her, ever since highschool, ever since we first started going out.

"You know I had nightmares about you hurting me?" She said. "Everytime I had them they all started off by you saying you love me and then eventually you'd start getting angry and would hit me. Kinda exactly how you did when you found out "I had sex with DEVON." She said annoyed.

That was a sensitive topic..and everytime I thought about that I could feel a pain in my chest.
I didn't want to say anything because I knew exactly what would happen if we started talking about that.

"Listen Rose, let's try and put all of this behind us. There's no point in going back and forth with it. It has no benefits." I explained.

Rose's POV
I'm gonna admit I wanted to cry, but I'm sick of it.
Everything he was saying I knew would eventually backfire on us. I know he doesn't mean a thing he's saying. We'll just have to see.
I was done feeding Ava and I put her in her crate.
"What do you wanna talk about now?" I asked.
"Can I talk to you in a friendship type of way?" He asked.
"Sure go ahead." I said.

"So ..last night I was at Devon's house (I could already tell this wasn't gonna be good) and I hooked up with a girl there."

He what? Hearing those words stabbed my heart. He already has a new girl?? I could feel jealousy overcoming my body. I had no reason to get jealous because...because we aren't together.

"We talked for a little bit, and eventually we ended up having sex..." he said.

Anthony's POV

Oh fuck. I messed up. I shouldn't have said any of this.

"..oh um okay...and what about it?" She said uncomfortably.

"Well I can already tell she likes me. And I like her I think she's cute and all but..I'm not trying to do anything special with her.." I said.

Rose's POV
Oh fucks no. Some random bitch already got feelins for my nigga?? I mean he isn't mine , but he's mine. You get it?

"Maybe you should at least try to get to know her more. Just try." I said. Ofc I didn't mean that. I absolutely didn't want to say that at all. But I needed to make it seem like I didn't care or that I was over him.

Anthony's POV
Damn. I was expecting a reaction from her. She was calm and chill the entire time and that kinda hurt me.

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