The next day...

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8:54 am
"Hey Rose, I'm going to drop Aaliyah off and then I'm going to work. I'll be home around 5 or 6." Said Christina. I gave her a muffled "ok" because my face was buried in covers and pillows. I was home alone. I hope someone took Rhino out because I sure as hell wasn't going to get up.

10:00 am
I heard the doorbell ring and rhino started barking. I tried to ignore it, but it was persistent. Again I struggled to get up. 9 months being pregnant wasn't easy.
I peaked to see who was outside.

I inhaled.

Why he did he have to come as soon as I had  the place to myself? I even debated whether I should've opened the door or not.

I opened it. Anthony and I Stared at each other until he said "hey".
"My mom is at work isn't she?" He asked.
"Yeah..she is." I said quietly.
"...well uh I came to get my stuff.." he said.
I let him in a walked back towards my room.

"Rose..." He said my name and it stopped me.
I turned around and looked at him.
"Uh..I just wanted to ask have you been?"

Did the guy who abused me just 10 months ago really have the audacity to ask me how I've been??

"Ok..I've been okay." I said.
His body language and the faces he was making made it look like he was not only uncomfortable, but also like he was forcing his self to talk to me.

"Oh.." he said awkwardly.
"Yup."I said

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