Rose's POV

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After the officer left, I knew what was about to come.

Christina propped herself up and looked at the ceiling, " and my son had sex in MY house, while I wasn't home?" She snapped.

I looked at her...

"I'm sorry Christina." I said.

"Why Rose? You know how I feel about that stuff? Just because you and Anthony are adults now doesn't mean you can fuck each other where ever you want." She explained.

Back when Anthony and I first started dating in highschool we had sex in his room and Christina caught us and she wasn't too happy about it.

"Christina, trust me when I say this, it was all Anthony's idea. You know how lustful your son can be." I said.

She exhaled and facepalmed. "I understand. Just don't let it happen again. I'm taking a shower." She said getting up walking back into her room.

Aaliyah was smiling at me on the opposite side of the couch.

"It's not funny!" I Said.

She busted out laughing. "Yes it is."

"juSt bEcAuSe yOu AnD aNthOnY aRe ADultS nOw, dOesNt meAN yOu cAn fuCK eaCH oTher wHeRe eVEr yOu wAnt." She mocked.

I couldn't help to laugh . "I swear you're so stupid."

Her and Anthony's sense of humor were the best traits they shared. Their ability to laugh and make jokes during serious times is one of the things I admired about them. I assumed they got it from their father since Christina was a very serious person.

12:55 pm

We arrived at the same hospital Ava was born in to visit Anthony.
The nurse told us he was in the intensive care unit, which wasn't really much of a surprise.

We walked in and I saw this bitch staring at Anthony through the window. The jealous feeling over came me again. No matter how childish the beef between us was, I still didn't like her and I wanted to let her know that.

Seeing Anthony lay there is his bed made me wanna go over and kiss him. The feelings I had for him never faded, and during this time the feelings became stronger.

They say that you never stop loving your first love, you just learn how to live without them.

No part of me never stopped loving him, and no part of me could never cope living with out him.

Thankfully, We were told he was going to make it and that he'd be in a coma for a few days. I would've felt better if those words didn't come from Jaidah's dirty mouth.

She was so fake and phony. The way she carried herself around Christina and Aaliyah only made the hatred I had for her worse. How dare she say "She's beautiful." ?
Does this hoe wanna get stabbed ?
Does she not know Hispanics love knives?

You don't know how bad I wanted to tell her that her "baby" fucked me. But no, classy never trashy. Ran through my mind keeping me calm.

3 days later ... July 11, 3:30 pm

They were still trying to find the person who shot Anthony. I'm sure people knew but they were afraid to speak up. He was shot in a abandoned house in the hood so it matched. Nobody in the hood would ever snitch. That's just life around there.

The officer, whose name is Deputy Lewis, came back and informed us that the only person who knew shot Anthony was Anthony himself and they'd have to wait until he woke up from his coma.

The Rose From Concrete / COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon