Chapter 58: The Honeymoon

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Sydney Airport brought back memories for both Logan and Rory, memories they would rather forget! Just being near it reminded Rory of how she had nearly lost Logan just four months ago —she shuddered at the thought as she pictured the ambulance out the front and how she and Finn had innocently walked right by, not knowing Logan had been injured. Logan remembered the state he had been in that day when he landed after his long flight from London. He felt like a completely different person now. His drinking had stopped completely and he had the most amazing wife beside him. Rory reflected on the turmoil in her mind as she came to Australia for the holidays, never expecting to see Logan —never thinking she would sit by him while he lay in a coma in hospital or that they would end up married!

As they quickly boarded the McCrae jet, Rory was happy to see there was no blindfold involved but plenty of pre-flight snacks and drinks. Frank had been invited along to be their driver and to help out if needed but he positioned himself at the rear of the aircraft to give the couple some privacy. Logan wanted him nearby just incase there were any issues with Rory and while he was regaining movement in his legs, he wasn't walking yet. Frank was pleased to be keeping an eye on this couple who were very dear to him and he was delighted to be heading off to see more of Australia!

The flight was a good opportunity for Rory to catch up on some sleep while Logan finalised the plans for the honeymoon. As they started their descent, Rory awoke and curiously looked out the window. The water below them was an amazing pallet of greens and blues. Logan pointed out the huge coral atolls.

"There are only seven wonders of the natural world and this is one of them! I thought that only the most spectacular place in Australia would do for my new wife, so we are going to be seeing the Great Barrier Reef!" Logan said waiting for Rory's reaction.

"That is so cool! I remember learning about it in Science back at school...if my memory is correct, it is the only living thing on earth that is visible from space! This is going to be so great Logan...I really do love your surprises!" Rory said kissing Logan several times then going back to watching out the window as they flew over small islands dotted all around the tropical waters.

White sandy beaches could be seen now, lined with palm trees. It was certainly a lot less populated than Sydney. There were mountains to the left and an abundance of trees.

Moments later, they had landed at Cairns International Airport and Frank was helping Logan as they disembarked. The air was noticeably more humid than Sydney and it smelt different too —very tropical. The airport itself was right by the mountains and seemed so remote. There was a cloud of mist hanging over them which added to the mystique of this location in Far North Queensland.

Frank had organised for a car that would accommodate their luggage and Logan's wheelchair which he still needed most of the time. He had already loaded the luggage in it and had headed back to the terminal to show Rory and Logan to the car. Logan waited in the almost deserted terminal while Rory had dashed off to make another bathroom visit!

When Frank finally brought them back out to the place where he had left the car, he noticed to his horror that it was no longer there!

"I don't understand was right here just a few minutes ago! Sorry to inconvenience you....I will just pop back to the hire desk to see what has happened." Frank sounded very stressed as he hurried off but Logan and Rory just held hands with dreamy expressions as they looked at each other.

A short while later, Frank returned, sweat pouring from his brow. The hire car manager walked alongside of him.

"Mr and Mrs Huntzberger, I am terribly sorry but there seems to have been a mix up with keys....this has never happened before but the spare set of keys for your car was accidentally given to another customer. They mustn't have needed to put luggage in the rear of the car so they have driven away with your car instead of this one over here..." the manager explained looking very flustered.

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