Chapter 36: Fireworks

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"Hello Odette?" Logan said as he bravely answered the call.

"Logan....Glad to hear you remember me!"

"Actually I read the caller ID....I am having a little trouble remembering everything since my accident..." Logan said wishing that all memories of his fiancée could be eradicated completely but the more Odette spoke, the more clearly he could picture her face.

"Well that is very convenient Logan! Yes I heard about your fact the whole world heard about your accident but I wasn't going to fall for all the sensationalism in the media...I know you can only believe a quarter of what you read!

"Do you realise how embarrassing this has been for me Logan? It ruined my Christmas...I couldn't face my cousins and aunties and uncles! ........I'd been crying for hours because of the shame you brought me! Do you have any idea all the effort I put into the wedding preparations for January 14? The dress, the flowers, the cake, the venue...all of it a colossal waste of time and money! My parents are so furious and I have been left looking like a fool in all my social circles! Are you even listening Logan? Do you even care?"

"I'm s..." Logan was cut off with another barrage of words.

"What were you even doing going to Sydney without first telling me Logan? Booking into a rehab unit to dry out before the wedding? I told you before I left for Paris that you needed to sober up, cut all ties with your ex and start showing loyalty to me! I suspect you were probably drunk at the airport and that's how you ended up in hospital! Don't bother denying it! I've heard all your lies before...." Odette was shouting loud enough for Rory to hear.

"Look Odette if you would just let me speak...I wanted to say I am sorry about the drinking...I just wasn't happy with the arrangement I found myself in...and if you are honest with yourself, I don't really think you were happy either.... we both deserve better...the cost of pleasing our parents is just too high....."

"We could have worked through it together Logan but I don't think you had the strength to let go of your let go of her..." Odette sounded a little quieter.

"....I guess I have to agree with you there Odette...I can't let go of Rory...especially since she has seen me through the most difficult week of my life...I was in a coma with head injuries and multiple fractures .... she sat by my bed day and night...she stayed with me even when she found out I had lost the last 11 years of my memory and could remain paralysed in a wheelchair for the rest of my life...can't you see she loves me? ....For relationships to is definitely a prerequisite and love shows itself in actions...As far as I know, this is the first time you have even tried to get in touch to see how I am!"

"Ah so you went to Australia with her! I knew it!"

"No we just both happened to be in Sydney at the same time...I was coming to see Finn..."

"Well that sounds very convenient to me...she must have known you would be there...Don't bother telling me lies Logan!" Odette was yelling again.

"It's the honest truth Odette!...."

"Truth...truth?...Where does that leave me Logan?... " Odette sounded like she might be having a few tears. There was silence for a few moments.

"......So is it are paralysed?"

Finally Odette was sounding like she might actually care. Logan proceeded to try to explain his prognosis. "Yes my lower spinal cord was injured and ...."

"I don't need to hear all the gory details but clearly there is no point in rescheduling the wedding if you can't walk —I don't want to live the rest of my life being pitied by society because my husband is an invalid and I am not going to be humiliated by your continuing affair with the American!" Odette screamed making her position very clear.

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