Chapter 46: The Visitor

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Logan's eyes blinked several times. His brow furrowed as he asked, "What did you say Odette?"

"Did your accident affect your hearing Logan! I said I am 12 weeks pregnant!" Odette shouted.

Looking around to see who could have potentially heard Odette's statement, Colin suggested that they might move the discussion to a more private location.

"You can come to my room if you are worried," Odette offered. "Or are you too afraid Logan?"

Logan had been silent as those words sunk into his mind. He was more than shocked and couldn't help feeling as if he had just received a blow to the stomach! It was as if every last breath of air had been completely knocked out of his lungs.

"What's the matter with you Logan? Can't you cope with the consequences of your actions?" Odette said as she stood up and moved toward him. "You obviously need a reality check! I had been telling you to control your drinking for months! Who knows how many women you could have impregnated!"

"Give him a fair go Odette!" Colin said coming to Logan's defence, "It was obviously a shock to hear that sort of thing! ....How do you know for sure it is Logan's child?"

"It's okay Colin. I can handle it." Logan said finally able to speak after shooting up a prayer for help.

Logan waited until they were safely in Odette's room before continuing the discussion.

"I have no memory of what you are saying Odette and I realise that I only have myself to blame for that. I cannot even remember coming home that day but I take full responsibility for my actions if indeed you are pregnant and I am sorry for all my drinking."

Colin was looking at Logan as if he had lost his mind! "What my client is saying is..."

"I thought you were just here as a friend Colin! I am only interested in what Logan has to say." Odette reprimanded Colin.

"No Colin, if I am the father of Odette's child then I must take responsibility...if she is carrying my child...I need to know. Is there any way we could do a paternity test before the baby is born?" Logan asked Odette.

"I don't want to have an amniocentesis —it is too risky but there are non-invasive prenatal blood tests that are quite accurate." Odette suggested.

"I would be happy with that —how soon could we be tested?"Logan asked calmly, feeling sure it would be the best option.

"How about tomorrow?" Odette suggested, surprised at how calm Logan was being.

"Okay, but wouldn't it take time to arrange?"Logan queried.

"I already looked up a lab that does DNA type testing and I have their details. It will just take a phone call in the morning. I can call you when I have arranged everything." Odette sounded a little too organised for Colin but he didn't say anything.

"Alright, I will wait for your call. Can I just ask one thing before I go?" Logan asked, still calm and pleasant.

Odette nodded.

"Why did you wait until you were 12 weeks to tell me?" Logan looked puzzled.

"Well...I was ...just trying to figure out what to do....didn't your little ex girlfriend wait too?"

"I see ....just one thing Odette, .....she's not my ex girlfriend...she's my fiancée!"

Odette looked like she was going to explode. "She's your what? Do you have any respect at all for the fact that you and I were supposed to be getting married?"

"I don't intend going through all of this again Odette. You made it quite clear that you were not interested in an invalid like me...Rory loves me for who I am ...paralysis and all...end of story! I don't think there is any more we can achieve right now but I am happy to go ahead with a DNA paternity test as soon as it can be organised. Come on Colin, we should be heading home. Goodbye Odette!"

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