Chapter 37: New Year - New Love

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"So this little guy does want to be a New Year baby! Let's have a look at you..." Dr Hathaway checked Laura's cervix. "Yes he's very are already 7 cm dilated!...I guess the drugs were too late! Well we will transfer you to the birthing suite Finn, are you going to join us?" Finn looked at Laura and saw the fear in her eyes.

"Please Finn....I know this is a lot to ask but would you stay with me? Ow! Here comes another contraction....."

"Breathe Laura......of course I will stay right here with you! Breathe! I was there for part of my sister's labour until my brother in law arrived and took over." Finn said hoping that his brief experience would be helpful as Laura's bed was wheeled down the corridor ready for the birth.

Once they were in the birthing suite, things started to progress very fast! Laura's contractions were closer and more intense. Finn sat by Laura and wiped the sweat off her forehead and let her squeeze his hand. He was in awe of her strength and beauty in such a difficult situation and he constantly encouraged her, telling her she was doing really well.

"Now this might be very quick, Finn, she is already almost at 10 cm, but it's going to be very intense." Dr Hathaway warned. "Already that last contraction was 90 seconds long and so close to the last but baby is coping well and everything is looking fine."

"Finn!! I can't do this anymore!....I can't do this by myself...." Laura screamed.

"Come on Laura, I am here for're not are doing so great!...Keep going!!" Finn encouraged, hoping that was enough.

"It's too I'm going...I don't want to do this!" Laura said sounding utterly exhausted.

Finn didn't know what to do but a midwife quietly told him, "Don't worry, she's just in the transition phase and because it's an overwhelming sensation, it's common to feel like giving up."

"You can do it Love, not much longer now!" Finn hoped he wasn't lying.

"I need to I need to push now...."Laura said, looking very serious.

"Okay Laura I'm just checking to see if you are fully dilated ......................right....yes it's time to push! ....Bear down comes another contraction!"

Finn was feeling overwhelmed himself and could feel the sweat running down his back as he watched Laura push with all her might. Each minute seemed like a lifetime of torture for this beautiful woman who already meant much more to him than he could imagine.

"Great work Laura! Here's the head! ......Now just rest a few moments...breathe...with the next contraction, I think he'll be with us...." Dr Hathaway said calmly, indicating to the midwives that they should be prepared.

Finn couldn't believe how fast things had gone, but just hoped with everything he had that the baby would be alright. He even found himself sending up a prayer.

" more push Laura.....................and here is your son!..... Congratulations!" Dr Hathaway said, briefly holding him up for Laura to see, before whisking him away.

"Is he alright?....I just want to know if he is breathing......I can't hear anything Finn!" Laura was beginning to panic. Finn searched his mind for the right thing to say but his heart was beating noisily in his chest as he looked at the medical team who were drying and warming Laura's tiny son, checking his heart rate, breathing, oxygen levels, and movement.

"He's okay Laura, we are just putting a breathing tube in to help him breathe...we'll administer some surfactant to help expand his lungs. Finn, it's fine if you want to come over here to take some photos for Laura before we whisk him away to the Neonatal ICU at the Royal Women's Hospital."

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