Chapter 5: The Phone Call & Decisions

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"What was that?" Rory asked herself as she was alone again. "What is wrong with me? I'm just not thinking! I can't kiss Jess....I'm just confusing him and making my own life more complicated!"

Jess had excused himself by hurrying downstairs to help out with the lunchtime rush in the diner. He had to process what just happened.

Rory reached for her phone - she really needed to talk with her mother! "These hormones are just running wild!" She thought aloud. "I hope Jess didn't think...well I hope I haven't confused him...he was just so nice..."

"Hi Mom...I'm sorry about missing the end of your reception!" Rory started, suddenly feeling emotional again as she heard her mother's voice.

"No worries Kid, you were there for the real wedding and most of the other one - we kinda wanted to leave early so you didn't miss much! Guess who fell asleep in her wedding dress and pretty much missed our first night as a married couple? Hahahha! But don't worry I made up for it this morning..."

"Just stop right there Mom ...that's quite enough information! Anyway I don't want you to worry about me while you're on your honeymoon —Jess is looking after me. He will probably come to the doctors with me and he is helping me think through the whole 'telling the father thing'. "

"About that...I didn't ask yesterday but I guess it's not Paul's you want to tell me?"

"Well I can't keep the secret forever - the baby will probably have his blonde hair..."

Lorelei could hardly believe what she was hearing! "Ok so am I right in assuming it's a Huntzberger? Oh my - isn't he engaged?"

"Don't freak out Mom! Yes it's Logan's and you know he is engaged to a French heiress...and living in London! I've already talked to God about all of this...I know my life is a mess!" Rory reached for more tissues as she began to quietly cry, being careful not to let her mom hear. "But I am ok and everything will work out in the end, so you just enjoy Luke was a beautiful wedding....I'll see you in a couple of weeks."

Rory was surprised that she managed to sound so positive as she ended the conversation.

"Did you just say you were talking to God? ....... Well I guess it wouldn't hurt! Are you sure you are alright?" Lorelai asked, feeling concerned.

"Quite sure! Don't worry Mom.....I am not joining the church!....I was just in need of some divine intervention!" Rory said defensively.

"Ok then ...I guess that sounds good. I love you Kid. Just remember that I did the whole motherhood thing at 16 —you've got a lot more years and maturity going for you than I did and are a Gilmore! You'll be a great mom! Don't worry about anything. Bye for now."

"Love you too —tell Luke I love him and that Jess is doing a great job here and working with Caesar really well. Bye."

Rory sat on the edge of the bed and let out a few sobs then wiped her tears. She decided she must get herself home and just have a good think about things. It was time to pull herself together and she really didn't want to confuse herself or Jess any further.

"Maybe I could talk to Lane .....but I don't know what she will think of me!" She thought.

Grabbing her belongings, Rory headed downstairs, just as Jess was heading up to check on her.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" He asked looking concerned.

"I think it's best if I go home. I need to think and I need some clothes that actually fit! Thanks so much for everything...I will be in touch!"

Jess placed his hands on her shoulders and looked deep into her eyes. "Are you sure? You're not worried about what happened earlier?"

Rory was surprised that he would bring up the kiss and couldn't help looking down as she answered, mumbling, "Yeah I'm sorry about that but no I'm not worried. I really just need to be in my own room." Rory began to pull away from Jess and made her way down the stairs.

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