Chapter 25: Coma

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Staring at the stainless steel handle of the door to Logan's room, Rory imagined how he had looked when he was injured after the failed LDB stunt in Costa Rica. A shiver passed through her body as she remembered seeing him lying lifeless in a hospital bed. She was determined that if she coped with that all those years ago, she could cope with this too.

"I can do this," Rory repeated in her head, "I will be strong for Logan, he is my baby's daddy, I will be strong for both of them!"

Finn waited and watched Rory carefully, then when she gave a little nod, he knew it was time to open the door.

Rory couldn't help closing her eyes tightly as they stepped inside. Her ears were immediately bombarded with the incessant beeping of several machines, monitoring Logan's vitals. Slowly, Rory oped her eyes taking in a sight quite unlike anything she had imagined! Her feet didn't seem able to move as she adjusted to the scene before her.

Finn's arm was firmly supporting Rory —he was quite shocked himself! He waited a few moments and then gently guided her to Logan's bed. At first a flood of quiet tears blurred Rory's view, as she attempted to find Logan amongst the maze of tubes that seemed to be attached all over his body. Wiping tears away with her hand, she blinked, just wanting to see his face but Logan's mouth that usually grinned so wide had been taped with a breathing tube, his eyes and cheeks were swollen and bruised.

Rory swallowed hard as she wondered when she might see him smile again, when she would see the sparkle in his eyes as he looked at her. She longed to hold him in her arms but was afraid to even touch him! Rory felt like every part of her had been drained of energy! The more she looked at the tubes and machines, the more afraid she became.

"It's ok if you want to hold his left hand and sit with him dear." A senior nurse said to Rory as she made some adjustments to various tubes and monitors. "I know it's a lot to take in at first. I'll just be over here if you have any questions or concerns."

Sitting beside the only man she loved, Rory gently took his hand in hers. She winced when she saw the bruising and grazes. Rory thought of all the times Logan had held her hand, touched her, done so many things for her and now he was lifeless, in a state of deep unconsciousness and he probably didn't even know she was touching him. Despite this, the warmth of his hand sparked new hope in Rory, bringing her some much needed comfort.

Surprised, Rory suddenly longed to tell Logan about his baby that she was carrying. It reminded her of the last time she had seen him as they said goodbye at the inn.  Feeling pangs of regret, Rory couldn't help thinking, "I should never have said goodbye...I should have fought for us!"

Lost in memories, Rory didn't even hear the doctor enter the room. He had just dropped by to check on Logan and also wanted to make sure Rory was doing ok.

"Well I'm pleased that there hasn't been any deterioration in the brain's responses since having placed Logan in the coma. I am hopeful that in a day or so, there might be some improvement but it is all a waiting game....By the way, I didn't introduce myself earlier, I'm Dr Conway and will be leading the team who are looking after Logan throughout his time in ICU, until rehabilitation begins. There will be other doctors you will meet too but please feel free to come and see me anytime if you have any concerns or questions that our nursing staff are unable to help you with. Communication is vital —it's important that we all work together to ensure the best recovery for Logan."

"Thank you Dr Conway," Finn said on Rory's behalf. He had noticed that she seemed to be in another world ever since she took hold of Logan's hand. Finn followed the doctor out of the room where he found Honor sipping on takeaway coffee in the corridor.

"Doctor, are you able to tell us any additional information regarding Logan's prognosis? I understand that you won't know for sure, but with a head injury like this, do people usually fully recovery?" Finn asked, hoping to gain a better understanding of Logan's future.

"Logan has a long road in front of him —he has had a good start as he received the best first aid straight after the accident but his recovery is going to be dependent on several things, including his resilience and acceptance of what has happened, his determination and willingness to follow the rigorous rehabilitation program and of course the support of his family and friends. Are Logan's parents planning to fly over? I also believe he has a fiancee?"

"My parents are currently 'too busy' and his 'fiancee' is part of an arranged marriage - there doesn't seem to be any love there! Actually, the wedding is in a couple of weeks time...I guess there wouldn't be much chance of Logan being well by then!" Honor replied, looking to Dr Conway for confirmation.

"No, none at all unfortunately. Logan will be here with us for quite some time and when he wakes up from the coma, I can't stress too much the importance of having a positive, stress free environment to maximise recovery. The most important thing with brain injuries is that the patient must have something to live for, something to make them determined to get better. Having the added weight of a spinal injury is going to make things very challenging!" Dr Conway warned.

"Well I'll be here for Logan...he's my best mate! I'll drop everything to help him recover ...and support Rory through this...." Finn said, realising he must get back to Rory.

"I'll be here as long as I can. I have a husband and small children back home but I'll do my best to stay at least until he is awake and heading in the right direction," Honor said, a wave of sadness washing over her as she thought of her sons and Josh spending Christmas without her.

"That's great to hear —it will be most helpful! I want you to remember that the brain is amazing! We are still unlocking it's mysteries but the greatest advances in neurology have been in the area of Neuroplasticity —the way the brain can change and repair itself. We will be telling you more about this once we get Logan though these crucial first few days. Make sure you look after yourselves, to stay strong for him. Sorry I must go now."

Finn and Honor both thanked the doctor as he disappeared down the corridor. "Why don't you go in and sit with Logan for a while Finn —I would like to chat with Rory, if that's ok." Honor suggested as she was eager to catch up and find out how this pregnancy had come about.

"I'll try to get her to come out and have something to eat. Maybe you could take her to the cafe downstairs —I don't want her fainting again!"

"Sounds like a good plan Finn!" Honor agreed.

"Just tread gently Honor —this has all been such a shock for her." Finn responded, always thinking of what was best for Rory and the baby.

"Don't worry Finn, I am pleased about the baby news if this means that Logan will end up with Rory instead of Odette! I'll do whatever I can to protect Rory from the fallout with my family.  As for that ridiculous wedding, it should never have been happening in the first place!" Honor said sounding very sincere so Finn knew he could trust her.

Rory was not at all pleased about leaving Logan but after promising to call her if there was any change, Finn took her seat by the bed and the two women off, walked arm in arm to have some lunch.


Sorry this is a much shorter chapter than planned but weekends are always very busy and I didn't want to keep you waiting for Rory to see Logan. His future is a bit grim at the moment but hopefully Dr Conway and the rest of the team will give Logan the best chance of recovery. Having Rory by Logan's side should be a big help too!

How do you think things will go with Rory and Honor's chat?

It looks like the wedding to Odette is off - at least for now - I wonder how she will react to the news? Will the contract still be binding if the wedding doesn't go ahead in January as planned? How will Mitchum respond?

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