Chapter 22: Priorities

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Four hours had passed since Logan's fall and during that time, he had been transported carefully by ambulance and then assessed thoroughly by the trauma team at St George Hospital. Due to the extent of his head injury, Logan had been placed in a medically induced coma. Scans had shown trauma to his lower spinal cord, along with a fractured arm, shoulder and wrist, a lot of bruising and several broken ribs. The doctors were amazed he had not had any internal injuries. The full extent of Logan's spinal injury would be reassessed after he was brought out of the coma. At this stage, with the brain injury, the next 24-48 hours were crucial!

Hospital staff had been surprised to see Logan's identification which alerted them to the fact that they were treating the young Huntzburger heir. Contact had been made with Mitchum Huntzburger by American Embassy officials, who passed on the hospital details.


Mitchum was in the middle of an important meeting when his secretary interrupted and said, "Excuse me sir, there is an urgent call for you from the American Embassy in Australia regarding your son."

"Oh can't it wait? We are very busy here...wait a minute, did you say Australia? What the hell is Logan doing in Australia? It's probably a mistake. Tell them I'll call them back later." Mitchum barked before returning his attention to the next item on his agenda.

After his two hour meeting was finished, Mitchum rang the London office. No one had seen Logan since he left on the day Mitchum had visited. After cancelling all his meetings for the rest of the day, his staff reported Logan had also been missing the following day. No one had been able to contact him.

"Oh right...I see....he's up to his old tricks...disappearing when it all gets too hard...well this is just ridiculous! I thought he had outgrown that sort of thing! Let me know if you hear from him." Mitchum slammed the phone down and sat, deep in thought for a few moments. He messaged Odette to find out what she knew. She replied promptly telling Mitchum she didn't care where he was right now but he wasn't with her.

Shira and Honor had not heard from Logan either so Mitchum finally conceded that perhaps Logan was in Sydney and contacted the American Embassy in Australia.

"Sorry Mr Huntzburger, but your son has been involved in an accident inside Sydney Airport,"explained the official. "He is being assessed in hospital with head and possible spinal cord injuries, fractures and bruising. The staff at St George Hospital in Kogarah said he is in a serious condition but will give you further details if you contact them directly."

Mitchum had heard this sort of report before after Logan's Life and Death Brigade events had gone wrong and decided he wasn't going to give attention to his son's irresponsible behaviour, so he thanked the official for the information and carried on with his day.  A little later, he sent a text message to Odette:

Just letting you know that apparently your missing fiancé has been injured in Sydney and is in hospital don't ask me why he was there! I will let you know if I hear any further details.

Thanks for letting me know. Hope it's not too serious with the wedding so soon - I don't want the photos ruined! Logan needs to get himself together! I have had enough of his vanishing, drinking and fooling around. I already told him the other day, he has until New Year's Eve to sort himself out! O

I don't blame you Odette! I am so sorry for my son's irresponsible behaviour. I'm sure he will be out of hospital and sober by the wedding. He's not so foolish that he would jeopardise the contract between our families. Mitchum

When Honor called her father to find out if he had located Logan, she just couldn't believe his attitude! "This is your only son and you're not going to fly to Australia to be with him?"

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