Chapter 23: Soaking Up The Sydney Sun

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Lying on her towel on the soft golden sand, Rory closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of summer. Somehow she not only felt far, far removed from the cold climate of her home but as she relaxed by the sea, she really did feel like the problems that had brought her there, no longer existed. Rory wasn't sure how but this place had begun to hypnotise her. The sound of the waves breaking on the shore, sea gulls squabbling over someone's discarded fish and chips along with children's voices as they paddled in rock pools and the drone of distant cicadas, combined to become a soothing lullaby. Within moments, Rory was asleep.

Gazing in Rory's direction, Finn couldn't believe how stunning his pregnant friend was as she lay there beside him. Her baby bump was hardly noticeable in the modest one piece navy swim suit she wore but her shape had definitely changed. He had insisted on making sure Rory was covered with sun cream as he knew her fair skin wouldn't last long in the Australian sun before it would be burnt to a crisp! Finn was at hand to help her with the hard to reach areas and noticed how amazingly soft and delicate her skin was as he spread the lotion over her back. He had felt like he was touching a delicate rare flower —each finger helping to gather information, to build a memory he didn't want to forget.

However, Finn was determined to be the perfect gentleman, the perfect friend and so put everything else out of his mind. He reasoned with himself that he really couldn't be blamed for having a growing desire for Rory but he was not going to go there —he had self-control —well at least for now! He couldn't help thinking how foolish his friend had been for giving up on the beautiful woman beside him. Watching her chest rise and fall, rise and fall, mesmerised him! Finn closed his eyes, imagining the wonderful Christmas they would have together and drifted off to sleep.


"What time is it Finn?" Rory asked, waking up suddenly. The sun had lost it's sting and there were less people around now. "Finn! Wake up!" Rory prodded him gently.

"Sorry Love, I must have dosed off to sleep...gosh it must be about fourish...I really needed that couple of hours," Finn said yawning and stretching. "We still have to have a swim...come on, let's go in now! I'll race you to the shore!"

"Finn! That's not fair! You had a head start and I'm barely awake! Look at your long have an unfair advantage!" Rory complained but raced after him across the warm sand. He could hear her giggling all the way!

Rory loved hanging out with Finn as every moment they were together was a wonderful reminder of her carefree youth. As she pursued him, she couldn't help thinking of him as a giant scarecrow that had come to life, scampering comically across the hot sand, his long lean limbs jerking with exaggerated movements. When he reached the water, Finn turned around, folded his arms and pretended he had been waiting for hours!

"Where have you been? I was just about to give up and go in by myself!" Finn teased.

"Some gentleman you turned out to be...making a pregnant lady puff and pant across the sand after you! Now I'm not really sure whether I want to swim with you at all!" Rory pretended to sulk.

In one fast movement, Finn picked Rory up and carried her into the waves! While she squealed and pretended to protest, she felt secure with him and even though she wasn't really much of a beach girl she knew by the end of this holiday, she would be!

Just then, a wave came and knocked them both under the water. Rory came up for air, searching for Finn. He seemed to be lost in the white foam that swirled all around them. But Finn was of course just being mischievous! He swam under water and suddenly appeared behind Rory.

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