Chapter 53: Wedding Eve

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Rays of golden sunshine flooded the Morgan's Beach house on Easter Morning. The children had already woken and were busy getting dressed, ready for the promised Easter egg hunt that Lorelai had arranged. Rory was staying there until the wedding, along with Honor, Josh, Lane, Zack, Paris, Doyle and their children. She awoke to the sound of little feet running down the stairs and onto the polished wooden floor below. Excited squeals alerted her to the fact that the hunt had already begun!

Deciding to shower back at Finn's, Rory dressed quickly and followed the noisy throng of children, carrying baskets, searching for eggs out in the garden and all the way along the esplanade where they soon went through the little white gate into Finn's place. The sound of excited voices intensified as Finn had hung eggs from all the plants in his garden. In no time at all, they had been stripped down and the children sat on the grass counting their eggs. Colourful foil wrappers were already being peeled off and the smell of chocolate filled the air!

After enjoying a huge barbecue breakfast together, everyone headed down the esplanade to spend a little time on the beach. Logan and Rory managed a few minutes together to focus and remember that this day was to celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead so they could have eternal life with God.  As they stood watching the children playing on the shore they couldn't help but think of the future.

"It will be wonderful to share the real meaning of Easter with our little girl....when I think of all the years I've lived and really just thought it was all some weird religious thing..." Rory shared.

"Yeah it feels strange to think that this is the first Easter that has really meant anything to the past it's always just been an excuse to eat lots of chocolate...." Logan said thinking back to his youth. "Mom used to buy the biggest eggs! It was all for show though..."

"Yes chocolate was the main feature of my Easter growing up but we just didn't really know anything else! .....I used to think it was great having a day off school on Good Friday ......I think it's pretty amazing that they have an extra public holiday here for makes it seem really special ....and tomorrow definitely will be special for us!" Rory said excitedly.

Logan and Rory were soon joined by the rest of the group.  All of the men, apart from Logan and Finn, were then heading off to the Sydney Easter Show with the children, to keep them occupied for the rest of the day. It was going to be a very big day of fair rides and cotton candy, patting animals and show bags!

Logan had arranged for Rory to enjoy a day of pampering with all the ladies. He had hired out a day spa at Cronulla that would usually be closed on Easter Sunday. They were all able to enjoy an indulgent day of relaxation and girly fun. This allowed Logan and Finn to have time to finish moving some items into the new house, ready for the newly wed's first night there. There were other bits and pieces to be done, including picking up Sookie and Jackson from the airport. They were able to fly out at the last minute with Sookie bringing the wedding cake ready to be iced and decorated. She was also going to whip up some of Rory's favourite dishes. It was all to be a surprise for Rory and only Luke and Lorelai knew she was coming. Mia had also done her best to be there to see Rory marry and was flying into Sydney in the morning.

Finn had contacted wedding planners who had taken care of all the decoration and set up of his parents's house for the wedding reception. Tables and chairs were being brought in and set up in the huge living area which overlooked the sea. Lawns were being mowed and windows cleaned ready for the big day ahead.

A special dinner had been organised at the hotel where the Huntzbergers were staying. Mitchum had insisted they wanted to do something and so they all enjoyed dressing up for Easter dinner together. Rory was pleased to see that the guys and children had enjoyed their day at the Easter Show. There was a great deal of chatter around the tables and Rory and Logan thoroughly enjoyed spending more quality time with their family and friends.

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