Chapter 4: Complications

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Jess woke to the sound of his phone vibrating beside him. Looking at the caller ID he saw that it was Luke. He had missed the call so he quickly sent a text.

Hey Luke, sorry I missed your call. I probably should have let you know last night that I found Rory and made her dinner. Don't worry about anything while you two are away - I'll take care of everything.

Luke responded: Thanks Jess. We were just a bit concerned because Rory wasn't answering her phone. Can you tell her that her mom wants to talk to her later today?

Jess felt Rory stirring.

"Don't move the bed - it makes me feel seasick!" Rory moaned as a wave of nausea threatened to overwhelm her. "Maybe I just need a cup of coffee! Oh where am I? I have to stop waking up in strange places!"

"It's ok Rory, you fell asleep watching a movie. I thought you would be more comfortable here," Jess explained gently. "I'll just get out really carefully so as not to rock the boat!"

"Oh my goodness...I think I'm going to throw up!" Rory suddenly lunged out of the bed and just made it to the bathroom. Jess followed her, feeling helpless but just grabbed her hair off her face and rubbed her back as she threw up.

"This shouldn't be happening!" Rory said tearfully as she splashed her face with water.

"Just chill Rory. I think it's pretty know in pregnancy...I'll get you some coffee... no wait, are you allowed that? Maybe I'll make tea. Do you think you could eat anything?" Jess asked gently, just wanting with all his heart to make things better for her.

That was it, Rory dissolved into tears once more. "I'm a wreck! Just look at me and oh no...I don't even feel like coffee!!"

"Let's just get you out of this dress - you can borrow some of my jeans and a jumper. Just take things slowly today. Do you want me to run a bath for you? I'll have to go downstairs to help Caesar soon."

"You have been too good to me Jess! Yes, I think maybe a bath would help. I'm so sorry you had to see me like this! I'm so sorry about so many things..."

"Come on Ror, it's just the pregnancy hormones. Things will seem a little brighter after your bath."

"How do you know about pregnancy hormones?" Rory questioned shaking her head while heading to the bathroom.

"Anyone can google!" He answered and disappeared downstairs.


As Rory relaxed in the bath, she thought about how patient and understanding Jess was being. He had become a lot like Luke as he matured. The warm bath water was making her feel much better, much more able to think.

"Okay, so I have to tell Logan...the question is when and how..." Rory thought aloud. "I could fly to London but I'm not even sure he would want to see me. We ended it in New Hampshire...he is going ahead with the 'dynastic plan' and whether I like it or not, he will marry Odette....I will always remember our time together, now that I have a part of him in me.....But how will I cope seeing our child and not having Logan in my life?"

This thought triggered a fresh deluge of tears, just as Jess knocked on the door and called out, "Is everything ok in there?"

"I'm fine Jess," Rory lied while washing away all evidence of her emotions. "I'll be out in a minute."

"Ok I'll bring up some breakfast for you soon. The morning rush has settled down and Caesar should be able to manage without me."

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