Chapter 34: Logan Comes Home

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Tap, tap, tap....tap, tap, tap....tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap!

Rory slowly opened her eyes and wondered where the noise was coming from. The sound had become part of her dream and she had thought someone was knocking on her door but now she realised it sounded more like someone was using a hammer. Stepping out of bed, she opened her blinds and window, letting the sunshine and sea air flood her room, then seeing Finn's open door across the hall, Rory walked downstairs and out onto the deck.

"What are you up to Finn?" Rory asked as a very unfamiliar sight met her eyes, "Woah! This is the last thing I expected to see!"

Finn was dressed in shorts, thongs and a singlet top. Sweat had left his hair in curls around his face. He had a pencil behind his ear and a tool belt around his waist, making him appear the ultimate handyman!

"Ha, ha.. Good morning Kitten! Hope I didn't wake you.....this is just another side to me! I have always loved building things...I probably should have studied carpentry......anyway I love my tools and each time I come to the house, I work on some sort of project. Last year I made the dining table inside from recycled timber and I even built the deck you are standing on. This is my latest project..."

Rory was still so shocked at this new side to her friend, "Wow Finn, .... a ramp for Logan's wheelchair! You are so clever! That must have taken hours! Have you even been to bed?"

"Of course I have but I was awake at 4:30am and so I made a start in the garage. I have nearly finished. I just want Logan to be able to get out to the garden and down to the Esplanade easily."

"That is so thoughtful of you Finn! I can't wait to bring him home! .....I can't believe how I already see this as home! I am so grateful to have you have shared your home and made a difficult time just incredibly special for me." Rory gushed.

"I wouldn't have it any other way —I am so glad you feel at home here! Now I won't be too much longer .....if you want to have breakfast, go ahead then I should be ready for our walk."

"Ok but I am cooking you breakfast too —I'm sure you must have worked up an appetite by now!" Rory said heading inside, determined to cook up a storm.

"Yeah I am pretty hungry....that would be great!" Finn replied before continuing with his tapping.

Within a short time, the smell of bacon and eggs had wafted out of the kitchen and onto the deck. After a bit of sanding, Finn stood back to admire the finished ramp and headed inside for breakfast.

"I'm actually a little nervous about bringing Logan home," Rory confessed, "I just feel like he is so fragile!"

"Yeah I know what you mean but we have the nurse coming twice a day and remember, Laura said she could pop over too. We can also call Kareena hospital if there are any big dramas we can't handle, the rehab team would be able to advise us or we could be there in 10 minutes by car if needed. We will be fine!" Finn said confidently.

"Oh I didn't realise it was that close! That does make me feel better!" Rory said feeling relieved.

"Good! The last thing we want is you getting all stressed. Remember Rory, we are in this together and everything will be alright!" Finn assured her.


The morning went by quickly and it wasn't long before they were all in Finn's car, heading from the hospital toward Cronulla beach. Their heads were full of anticipation and all the instructions that had been given to them concerning Logan's care and future appointments.

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