Chapter 9: Phone Call From London

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As Autumn leaves continued to pile up around Stars Hollow, Rory found her excitement mounting at the thought of her escape to Australia. Swapping snow for summer sunshine certainly seemed like a great idea!

Things had been a little strange with Jess since their kiss —Rory knew that it had been a mistake but she couldn't go back in time. He had still been checking in on her but it was a bit awkward! Jess had long given up trying to figure out his feelings for Rory —he just accepted that they might always be there!

Lorelei and Luke would be home for Thanksgiving and Jess would be leaving to spend time with his mom. Distance would help solve the ongoing attraction they had for each other —an attraction that had always failed to progress in the right direction. They both knew that while a relationship would not ever be likely, the special ties they had from their youth would always be treasured.

Jess felt very protective of Rory now that she was pregnant, even though it wasn't his child.  As he packed his bag, he made sure he left time to stop by the Gazette and say goodbye properly.

"Hey, Miss Gilmore," Jess said, as he stuck his head in the door, "I guess I'll be seeing you."

Rory looked up from her computer, touched that he had made the effort to come and see her. "Why Mr Mariano.... it's been great having you here!"

"Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving with your family!"

"Yeah you too!" Jess said, reaching over to hug Rory. "Remember I am here for you if you need to talk anytime. Keep in touch! I want to see pics of your progress and don't worry about'll know what will be the best for you and the baby. Keep me updated on your book too. I just know it's going to be a best seller!"

"I don't know about that but I am feeling more positive about the future, now that I have my Christmas down under to look forward to."

"Yeah it's great that Finn invited you, just remember where your home is!!"

"I will! Goodbye and thanks so much for everything Jess.....for putting up with me and my pregnancy hormones! I couldn't have coped with Mom being away without your support - I truly value your friendship!" Rory said with a tear in her eye.

Jess disappeared out the door just as Rory's phone began to ring. "Mom! You're home already?! I wasn't expecting you until tonight! I'm nearly done here so I'll be home soon - I have so much to tell you!"

Rory wondered how her "news" would go down with her mom. She hoped she would understand her need to have time away to think.

Lorelai and Luke were full of honeymoon stories as soon as Rory walked in the door and were obviously more in love than ever! Their time away had been so good for them.

"It's great to see you Kid! Are you showing yet? Let me take a look at you...have you lost weight?" Lorelai looked concerned as she hugged her daughter then stood back looking at her.

"Well throwing up all morning every day might have something to do with that! My doctor wasn't concerned. So that's the main thing. I see my obstetrician on the 19th before...before..." Rory wasn't sure if now was the time to break the news of her upcoming trip.

"Before what?" Lorelai looked suspicious.

"Well Finn came to visit while you were away......and he invited me to spend Christmas with his Australia —we leave on the 21st!" Rory watched as the news sunk in. "He knows about the baby and that it's Logan's —he kind of guessed. I have decided not to tell Logan and Finn understands...."

"Are you sure Rory? It's his child too! Don't you think he has a right to know?" Luke questioned.

"It's up to Rory, Luke," Lorelai said in her daughter's defence. "It's pretty complicated —they don't even live in the same country!.......I just don't see how shared parenting would work!"

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