Chapter 44: All is Revealed!

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A ray of sunlight broke through the shady canopy of the tree by the sea, immediately bringing a dazzling brilliance to the stunning diamond ring in Logan's hand. He wanted to keep on talking to avoid the possible agonising silence or worse, another rejection but he stilled his tongue and waited for Rory to speak.

"Wow! You sure know how to surprise a girl! This is all so beautiful Logan...the flowers at home...the trail of petals...everything you said...I will treasure it always...and this time...I don't have to think about it...Yes!....Yes!....Yes! I will marry you!"

Logan thought his heart was going to leap out of his chest with a new sort of joy he could not describe. With his fingers trembling, he carefully placed the ring on Rory's finger —it fit perfectly! Then pulling her face toward him, they kissed with such passion that neither of them wanted to stop! They hadn't noticed the group of people that had gathered, watching them from a distance. The couple only looked up when they heard cheers and whistles with shouts of 'good on ya mate!'

"I'm so thrilled you said yes don't know how scared I was!" Logan said as they finally came up for air. "Let me pour you a glass of our pretend wine..."

"Haha! But it's the only pretend part of what has happened here! Logan I love you so much ...and oh boy I love this definitely looks real!"

"It sure is Ace! Only the best for you!" Logan beamed. "I only wish I could have knelt down as I asked you to marry me...that's just how I imagined it should be...anyway....that was the posture of my heart."

"Oh Logan that is so beautiful....I am just so blessed.....I never imagined love could be so complete....I love you with all I am and sometimes the intensity overwhelms me...It seems like each day that has passed since you came back into my life, you have become more and more precious to me ....each day that I sat by your bed in the hospital....each step forward....each answered prayer....I fell deeper and deeper in love....I value each day with you, more than you could know....I never stopped loving you all those years we were apart... you were always on my mind and I thought I would have to live forever with the regret of having said 'no'.

"But as you said...that is ancient we start something new...I am 100% committed to being in your life forever won't be able to get rid of me!...I am so excited for us to be a family...  I truly love the fact that I am carrying your child....And I know the journey with your health may not always be easy but we will get through all the difficult stuff together...I will be there to support you and love you through it love you just as you are and to celebrate each moment we are given to live!"

"Oh're bringing me undone here! Let's drink a toast to us: May the precious love we share, continue to grow more beautiful everyday!" Logan said, briefly looking away to compose himself, then turning back to look in Rory's eyes as he raised his glass.

"To us!" Rory spoke quietly as tears spilled over, running down her cheeks. "Sorry Logan...but you really caught me by surprise today...I guess I just didn't expect it...and how did you organise this ring without me knowing? It fits so did you know....?"

Logan dried Rory's tears with his handkerchief and held her tight. "Well I'm glad I was able to catch you by surprise Ace....Let's just say, I did a little online shopping at Cartier and I remembered your size from last time. I wanted to get you the ring to match the necklace. Even I was surprised how quickly they were able to deliver...especially for Valentine's Day! Anyway, I hope you don't think it was corny but I just didn't see a reason to it's one anniversary I will easily remember!"

"It's not corny at all! Don't you know it's every girls dream to be proposed to by her Valentine? And here we are in this most romantic have outdone yourself Logan you are truly amazing!" Rory stole another kiss.

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