Chapter 50: Countdown to the Wedding

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March brought a slight crispness to the early mornings and evenings which gave Rory a much needed boost to her waning energy levels. With three weeks until the wedding, preparations were stepping up.

So much had happened since the day Odette fell into the therapy pool. Within 24 hours, Logan had received a bill from her to cover the cost of replacing her ruined designer clothes and accessories. This gave him the opportunity to let her know that the game was over and she would be hearing from him via his lawyers. Police involvement had not been ruled out as Colin had looked into the bribing that had taken place to obtain false results in the paternity tests.

Odette was strangely quiet when the information given by Paris and Frank was presented to her.  When she mysteriously vanished overnight on a private flight to Paris, it was further confirmation that Logan had indeed been set up! Shira and Mitchum didn't have much to say when Logan called to tell them that Odette was not carrying their grandson. Shira tried to defend her saying she had probably just made a 'mistake' and the stress of the cancelled wedding had caused a 'lapse in her judgement'.

Logan knew that it was pointless arguing with his mother —he might never find out what her level of involvement was. Instead of being bitter, Rory and Logan let go of all the hurt Odette's actions had caused, choosing to forgive and move on with enjoying preparations for the beginning of their lives as a married couple. 

With extended working visas being granted to both Logan and Rory, their new business was now up and running, keeping them both busy. Their days were mapped out by the hour with hydrotherapy still taking a chunk out of each day. Birth classes had also begun which was making the thought of becoming parents seem very real!

Laura was delighted that at last Cayden had been cleared to go home with her. Finn was beside himself with excitement as Laura had included him in the homecoming. Logan and Rory felt that he spent more time at Laura's house than at his own but they were very pleased that everything was going so well with their friendship. They knew it was only going to be a matter of time before things became more serious.

A place of their own was still something Logan wanted. Since the sale of his London apartment, a container with all of his belongings had been shipped to Australia and was now in a nearby storage facility. Frank had arrived a week after Logan's job offer and was already proving to be a great asset at this busy time. He had become Logan's assistant and driver, taking the pressure off Rory and Finn.

Secret outings with Frank had included a bit of house hunting and Logan was so excited to have already found a home not very far from Finn's, which still had easy access to the esplanade and beach. It was a two storey contemporary home with an elevator installed by the previous owner. The dimensions of the home were perfect for wheelchair access and the 5 bedrooms ensured that there was plenty of room for when Lorelai and Luke came to stay. Finn had promised to pop in and install hand rails in the bathrooms for Logan and he was sure Rory would love the gourmet kitchen and incredible views from nearly every room.

Finn had very kindly offered to put up most of the wedding guests in the second storey of his parent's holiday house. They were all scheduled to arrive at different times before Easter but by Good Friday, there would be a full house. Laura had planned a bridal shower for Easter Saturday and Finn had scheduled a bucks night for Logan —promising Rory he would not do anything too wild!

With so much to look forward to, Logan and Rory made sure that they were still spending quality time together each morning as they continued to have their outing along the esplanade.

"I feel like I'm starting to waddle," Rory said as they set off just after dawn.

"No you're not Ace! I think you still look very elegant!" Logan replied, checking out her beautiful shape, silhouetted in the early light of the new day.

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