Chapter 48: Changes

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Rain trickled down the windows of Finn's beach house the morning after the paternity tests came through. The beautiful bright blue hues that usually made up the view, had turned into an abstract pallet of monochrome tones, corresponding with the general mood of the home. Wind gusts hit the side of the house breaking the silence as Rory and Finn prepared breakfast.

"Are you sure you are okay Love?" Finn asked sensing that Rory was miles away. He was desperate to bring her back and to see her face lit up with a smile again.

"There's no reason why I shouldn't be okay life is not complicated at all!" Rory said sarcastically, then noticing Finn's reaction continued, "Sorry Finn....I guess I'm just tired... I have been waking up during the night with leg's apparently just all part of being 23 weeks pregnant....and the summer was great but the heat has kind of gotten to me now.....I'm just glad that it's officially autumn!" Rory replied trying to sound a little brighter than she felt.

"Did you say 'autumn'? You're sounding like an Aussie more and more! Next thing I know you'll be asking me to pass the Vegemite!" Finn laughed. "I am sure the summer heat must have been challenging for you but don't be fooled by the cooler weather today...the heat can last all the way up to the end of April here!"

Rory appreciated Finn's attempt at small talk and felt very blessed that he cared so much about her. "Honestly Finn, I don't know what I would do without you...I am so thankful you invited me here...I just hope I haven't outstayed my welcome..."

"Love, you and Logan are very welcome to stay as long as you want...there's plenty of room for all of us and with the house being wheelchair friendly now, it's just so much more practical." Finn reassured Rory.

"We had fully intended finding our own place but as you know, we have been a bit distracted! ...It's been such a crazy start to the year ...everything has changed! Logan definitely doesn't want to go home the way he is but I've been feeling a little homesick ...I am really missing Mom and Luke... then yesterday I felt that my world turned completely upside down when I heard those test results! .....I just need some normality in my life ...I desperately need to feel that I can really rely on Logan being there for me and our daughter ...but I don't know how...I have the feeling that we will have to share him with Odette...I don't know if I can do it...." Rory stopped preparing the pancakes and stared out the window.

"I know it's a pretty unique situation and one that I imagine would be really hard for all of you have been so incredible through everything Rory...really amazing! But as for the future... I can't help thinking of that verse in the Bible that says not to worry about tomorrow...let me just look it up on the it is:

"So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today." Matthew 6:34 NLT

"It's just not worth looking too far into the future Love. You just need to focus on today...just be thankful for the people you have in your life right now...and do what you can to deal with whatever issues arise ....God will take care of tomorrow!" Finn said, quite surprised to hear these words of encouragement coming from his own lips.

There's another verse Laura has had written out by Cayden's crib in the hospital :

"So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you." Deuteronomy 31:6 NLT

"Thanks Finn...that's really good advice...I have seen Laura's incredible faith through the months Cayden has been in the NICU. She has been amazing!" Rory raved.

"Yeah I know...she has had a huge impact on me because I have seen her day after day from Cayden's early arrival...I still can't believe how awesome it is that he has done so well, starting off so tiny! I watched first hand how Laura has depended on God through everything's been amazing!...."

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