Chapter 39: Dark Days

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After Logan's resolutions were made, he and Rory decided to celebrate with a walk along the esplanade. It was another glorious summer day and Rory knew how beneficial a change of scenery was for Logan. He obviously had a lot on his mind and now he needed to summon up the courage required for communication with his family.

Rory noticed that Logan was quieter than usual but just put it down to his contemplations concerning his work but as they stopped for Rory to have a break, he began to express some fears and concerns he had been having.

"Ace....I know I sounded really positive and together back at the house...I really want to be....but while I shared my resolutions and plans, there's something I was too afraid to raise with's something that is starting to keep me awake at night..."Logan began.

"Okay ... I'm know that a problem shared is a problem halved!" Rory said trying to be light but fearing what was to come.

"I don't know whether that applies in this case but I just want to be honest with you Ace...honest enough to tell you ...that I am really actually terrified at times that I won't ever walk again..." It was out and Logan felt slightly better but had no idea how Rory was going to take this.

"Logan, I am not is completely normal to have concern...I would be the same but look how far you've come already with your memory! You just have to keep on believing that one day soon you will wake up and have feeling in your legs again, just like you suddenly started to remember things. It's still really too early to tell with your spinal know what the doctor said...there's still some bruising and...."

"Yeah but the longer I go without having any feelings or movement, the less likely it is I will ever walk again. It's a fact Ace and it is now my biggest fear that I will be unable to take care of you and our child!" Logan looked away and Rory saw him wipe away a tear. "You shouldn't be having to push me around in this thing —I need to be taking care of you!"

"We are going to do everything we can Logan...we will get a second or third opinion...try alternative therapy...we will do everything humanly possible...and we won't give up hope! I want you to remember that I love you and I'm here for you no matter what happens in the future..." It broke Rory's heart to hear him voice what she already knew would be concerning him. She made a mental note to make sure he was having enough sessions with the psychologist —he had so much to deal with!

There was silence for a few minutes and the conversation would have probably continued but it was broken by thunderous waves which were being whipped up by the sudden onset of a very strong wind. Rory noticed people leaving the beach and running to their cars in a hurry, hats and towels flying in all directions as dark clouds quickly gathered out to sea.

"We'd better head home! Hold on tight!" Rory shouted over the roaring wind that whipped the tall palm trees and low grasses along the shore, creating a lively percussion of nature.

Rory was surprised at how hard it had suddenly become to push Logan in his chair, because now she was pushing against the wind. As they slowly headed along the familiar path, cool seaspray slapped their faces and every now and then a gust of wind would deliver a blast of sand which stung their skin with a gritty force. Rory was regretting not having tied her hair back as the invisible force whipped her hair in every direction, making it hard to see at times!

The sea had become a dark turquoise expanse with massive waves that continually rolled and tossed bright white foam against the rocks along the escarpment. The smell and taste was overpowering as the fresh, salty air inundated their lungs and blasted against their lips.

"Are you okay Ace?" Logan yelled into the wind.

Rory paused for a moment, her heart racing with the extra exertion that had been required. "Did you say something?"

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