Chapter 48

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Please Don't Die...
Chapter 48

J- We have company.
I turn around to see 3 teenage girls hiding behind each other, with their phones out and posters of me and pens in there hands.
My fans.
This is it, this is how I could escape from Jayden.
S- Can I go and sign there stuff?
J- No.
S- But what if they get suspicious?
J- Fine, 5 minutes, that's it.
S- Thankyou.

I walked over to the girls with a smile on my face.
S- Hiiii
A/N- Omg omg omg omg Sammy! Hi I love your vlogs, and your acting in bizarardvark.
A/N- Calm down Layla. Hi I'm Grace, this is Layla, and this is Mackenzie.
M- Hi, could I get your autograph and a selfie.
S- Sure!
I signed her poster of me, and took a normal selfie, and a silly one, then did the same with Layla and Grace.
I needed to get help, and fast. Jayden was looking directly at us the whole time.
I turned my back to him and pretended to talk to the girls.
S- Okay guys, I need you to do something for me that is very important. Can you smile the whole time whilst I'm telling this.
They put a fake smile on there face and nodded.
I began to whisper.
S- I've been kid napped, that guy behind me, is my boy- ex boyfriend, and he is trying to take me back to Australia for good. If I don't go with him, he will kill Jack.
They smiled and nodded.
S- I need you to tell Jack and the rest of the guys what has happened, tweet them or something, just please, please let them know that I am here, and have been kidnaped by Jayden, and that I'm on the next flight to Australia that leaves in 30 minutes.
J- Sammy! Back here now.
S- I'm sorry girls but I have to go. Please help me.
They smiled and nodded. I gave each of them a hug and they walked off, calmly.
S- What!
I yelled at Jayden, whilst walking back to him.
J- That took too long.
S- Ugh, they are my fans, I can't just ignore them.
J- Watch it! I control you now, remember?
S- Ugh.
I sighed and watched as the girl started running, as soon as they exited the doors.
Now I can only hope...

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Please Don't Die (No.1) (WHY DON'T WE FANFIC) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now