Chapter 20

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Please Don't Die...
Chapter 20

L- It's about time...
S- Hey, I was coming okay, guess what!?
S- Your not going to have to deal with the 'not enough room' problem anymore.
L- What, why?
S- The guys asked me if I wanted to move in with them!
L- What did you say?
S- Duh.... Of course I said yes.
L- Oh...that's great.
S- You seem disappointed?
L- I'm just going to miss you that's all.
S- Oh don't worry, I'll still come visit you ALL the time, it will be like I never left...
L- Hahaha, okay, at least now Evan can have his room back.
S- What day does he get back again?
L- Sunday.
L- Yeah, I'm aware, I know how to count, I'm not Jake Paul remember, I actually stayed in school for a while.
S- Har, Har, smart ass, it means that I have to get ALL of my stuff out in 2 days.
L- Calm your farm, I'll hire a moving truck so you don't have to keep coming back and fourth all the time, and I'm sure the guys will help you get set up.
S- Okayyyy, thankkksss. Where are we going anyway?
L- I need to get some more plates. I broke all the other ones, this morning I had to eat my toast out of a bowl.
S- Well that's what you get for smashing plates every minute.
I giggled.

We ran into Walmart and grabbed 3 boxes of 10 pack plates.
"Big dinner?" The checkout chick said.
L- Something like that.
He said giving me a wink.
We sprinted back towards the Yeti, trying to avoid all the screaming fans. Sometimes I forget that I have nearly 1 million subscribers, they take me by surprise sometimes, I'm still getting used to being followed everywhere I go.
Once we started driving out of the parking lot I wanted to see how many subscribers I had. I reach into my pocket... but my phone isn't there...

Okay so, so far this story has gotten 107 reads and 1 vote 😂 Wow that's sad but Thankyou to the people reading!

Please Don't Die (No.1) (WHY DON'T WE FANFIC) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now