Chapter 37

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Please Don't Die...
Chapter 37

(Jacks POV)
I lifted my head from her shoulder, and looked into her watery eyes.
J- Don't ever do that to me again okay. You scared me half to death, I thought you were really gone this time...
S- Hey, it's okay. I promise, I will never do it again. I'm okay, just a couple of stitches in my head, that's all.
Daniel slowly walked over, still in shock.
D- But the paramedic said that you could have been brain dead.
S- I could have been, but the glass only went 2cm into my head, any further, then I would have been dead.
D- Oh I'm so glad your okay.
He wrapped his arms around Jack and I, then all the guys came over, and we made it one big group hug.
Crying, and laughing, we all broke apart.
Jo- What I don't get, is why the doctor told us that you were dead.
S- Oh haha, yeah, I asked him if he could tell you guys that I didn't make it, so I could scare you. In return he asked for a selfie, his kids are massive fans apparently.
L- God dammit, I'm going to kill him, for telling us you were killed.
Z- That doesn't even make sense.
C- Yes it does, keep up baby Zachy.
Z- Hey! I'm not even that young.
C- Yes you are, and this convo ends here.
Zach rolled his eyes at Corbyn and looked back at Sammy.
Z- Can we go home now, I'm so tried, and hungry.
C- See, you whine a lot.
Z- Shut up.
S- Children please stop arguing, I can leave whenever I want, my head is fine.
D- Lets go then!
S- How are we getting home?
L- Uber? Since the cool bus is getting towed to west coast customs.
Logan's face fell into a small frown.
S- Logan I'm sorry about the bus, I should have been looking out the window.
L- Sammy please, this is not your fault, it nobody's, well except the old lady, she crashed into us.
S- Oh, is she okay?
L- She's fine, only a few bruises.
S- That's good, oh what about your vlog camera? Is it broken?
L- No, it's fine actually, only a few scratches.
J- Is the footage still on there.. Of the car crashing into us?
L- Yeah, I guess so.
D- We will have to watch it later.
Z- Ahh, guys can we go now, hospitals make me feel sick.
C- Okay baby.

We got ordered 2 ubers, one with Sammy, Daniel and I and the other with Zach, Corbyn, Logan, and Jonah.
I could tell Sammy was nervous, I wouldn't blame her. I would be scared to be in a vehicle after a crash that had almost killed me.
We got in, and I held her hand.
J- It's okay, nothing's going to happen.
She was hesitant, but nodded.
It was going to be a long drive, the ambulance took us to a hospital 30 minutes away from our house.
I was tired, so I laid my head in the crook of Sammy's shoulder and closed my eyes. It only felt like seconds, but I woke up to the sound of Daniel and Sammy screaming...

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Please Don't Die (No.1) (WHY DON'T WE FANFIC) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now