Chapter 47

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Please Don't Die...
Chapter 47

I had no items in my pockets so I walked through the detector. Clear. I don't know why, but I always get really nervous at airport security, even though I know I have done nothing wrong, I always get scared.
Jayden walked through and he was clear too.
We proceeded to walk towards the food court. We sat down at a table, and waited for our flight to be called.
S- Can I get some food please?
J- No.
S- Why? I've barely eaten anything since last night.
J- Well that's your fault.
S- Pleaseeeeee!!
J- Fine! Stop shouting, you'll draw attention to us.
He grabbed a $20 note out of his pocket and handed it to me.
I walked over to McDonalds and 'ordered' something, when really, I asked to use there phone.
A/N- I'm sorry, we only use this phone for customer orders
S- Please, it's an emergency!
A/N- Ma'm I'm sorry but I can't allow it.
S- Ugh, well can I get a large cheeseburger meal please.
A/N- Sure, that will be $10.50
He handed me the receipt and I waited for my number to be called.
I scanned the airport and saw Jayden walking over to me.
J- Hurray up your taking forever.
S- It's not my fault they're slow.
A/N- Order 312
I walked up and got my food.
J- Finally, let's go.
We sat down at a table and I started eating.
I was starving, and ate it in 5 minutes.
I wiped my mouth and looked at Jayden.
He had a worried look on his face.
J- We have company...

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Please Don't Die (No.1) (WHY DON'T WE FANFIC) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now