Chapter 13

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Please Don't Die...
Chapter 13

I fall. I close my eyes and hope for the best. My arm gets tugged back, it's Jack. He's grabbed my hand. I'm left 50 meters high, swinging in the air. The wind was so strong I had to close my eyes every couple of seconds because they were so dry. I can hear screams from below me. Nearly everyone in the amusement park is looking up at me. Kids are crying, and others are yelling at the instructor to bring the ride down. I look over to Zach, from what I can see, he has tears in his eyes and he is calling someone on the phone.

After 30 seconds of dangling, the instructor finally brought the ride down to the ground. My feet touch the ground and I collapse into Zach's arms.
S- "Y-yeah, I'm fine." I said out of breath.
The other boys lift off there harnesses and run over to me. Jack  bent down and hugged me. He had tears in his eyes.
J- "Are you ok!!!?"
S- Yeah, I'm fine, just trying to get some air back into me, I couldn't breath properly up there with all the wind.
J- I thought I was going to loose you.
I hugged him even tighter.
Tears started falling out of my eyes onto his shirt.
J- Hey, hey, stop crying, it's all okay now, don't worry.
I stood up and Daniel, Corbyn and Jonah surrounded me and gave me a massive hug.
Concerned parents came up to me and asked if I was okay. Some little kids even called me a superhero.

I suddenly remembered my vlog camera. I looked over to find the guy I gave it to, with it still taped around his hand.
S- Hey, thanks for filming that almost-death tragedy.
A/N- No problem, are you okay?
S- Yeah, I'm fine, just a little shaken.
A/N- well I'm glad your okay, bye.

We didn't go on anymore dangerous rides after that. Daniel won me a tiny panda in a game of ring toss, and Jack won me a giant teddy bear in a balloon pop contest. We ate so much icecream and junk food that our stomachs hurt. We spent a soiled 5 hours there, and it was 6pm by the time we got home. I called Logan and told him what had happened, and that I was going to spend the night at the boys house. I needed to edit my vlog for today, so I sat down on the couch next to Corbyn and Jack, plugged in my head phones, then began going over the footage for today. Tears flood my eyes as I watch myself falling though the air, and Jack grabbing my hand. Corbyn notices me crying, and pulls me in for a side hug.
C- It's okay, your okay now.

I quickly finish editing and upload the vlog. I was so tired and decided to go to bed early. There was a spare bed in Jack and Daniels room, so I took that for the night...

Please Don't Die (No.1) (WHY DON'T WE FANFIC) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now