Chapter 24

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Please Don't Die...
Chapter 24

J- A-Are you okay?!! Omg, how did this happen!?
S- I- I n-need to get to a h-hospital
I could hardly breath, let alone talk.
C- Here! Jack, wrap this around her arm!
Corbyn tossed Jack a large piece of cloth, that looked like pillow case. Jack looked at it, and then at my arm.
J- I'm so sorry, but this is gonna hurt like hell.
He lifted up my arm and wrapped the cloth around it, then tied it into a very tight knot. The fabric was pressing down on my open wound.

(Jacks POV)
I quickly lifted up Sammy's arm, trying cause her the least amount of pain as possible. She started screaming because the fabric was touching her cut. I couldn't stand seeing her in so much pain, tears started slipping out of my eyes as I finished tying the knot. Hopefully the cloth stops her from bleeding out. I don't know what I would do if Sammy died...
I stare into her eyes, and hold her hand. She does the same. Her eyes look different. They're usually a bright blue, I could stare at them for hours, but this time it was different. I could see the blue fading from her eyes. They were dark, almost life- less.
The sound of sirens grows louder and louder, I look over to see Logan running inside. Suddenly the grip on my hand loosens.
Her eyes are closed and she isn't breathing properly.
2 paramedics run in and slide a backboard underneath her. One of them gently pushes me over to Corbyn and Zach, and tells me that I might have saved her life by tying the cloth around her arm.
A/N- She's bleeding out fast, and her airway is blocked. Start compressions, and radio back to main, tell them to call the blood bank and prep the OR, she needs to undergo immediate surgery, otherwise these is a possibility that she may lose her arm.
The paramedics lifted her onto a stretcher, one of them was leaning over her, pushing his hands hard onto her chest. As they wheeled her out to the ambulance, Corbyn and Zach engulfed me in a hug. I cried into Corbyns shoulder, praying that Sammy would make it.
A whole bunch of policemen ran in and handcuffed Banks. He was raging, furious that Sammy wasn't dead.... not yet anyways...

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Please Don't Die (No.1) (WHY DON'T WE FANFIC) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now